Have you ever been to a party and realised that shirt you’re so proudly wearing is the same one the host wore at his last event? Well whether it was innocence through ignorance or just sheer audacity that drove Labrinth to wear the same floral blazer to the Brits as Tinie Tempah did last month to Loius Vuitton’s Fall show, it is comforting to know that even in our trigger-snappy-paparazzi infused culture, celebs can make the same blunders we do.
Fortunately both Labrinth and Tinie sported enough contrasting items to accompany their Chapman Brothers x Louis Vuitton’s floral embroidered blazers to invite any accusations of unoriginality. With the blazer, Labrinth went ‘all black everything’ whilst Tinie once again exhibited the ‘casual-English-gent’ style he’s increasingly admired for and wore simple blue trousers and a t-shirt.
But who looked better is hard to say. Perhaps it comes down to posing . Tinie always seems to make his outfits an extension of himself, looking almost as comfortable as if he were in his pyjamas (I doubt Mr Tempah actually wears pyjamas) whilst Labrinth seems a little more stiff and unnatural…but admittedly does exude a rather disarming charm in a “he’s really made an effort” sort of way.
Who do you think makes the cut?

Words: Jared Fortune