
Tom Ford “Knock Off”

By February 21, 2014Fashion News

Now we all know that Jay-z knows how to rock Tom Ford. However, with him being seen donning a Tom Ford inspired Black Boy Palace ‘knock off’ on his latest World tour. Jay-Z has inspired Mr Ford himself to produce two dresses within his most recent collection, both of which replicate this infamous BBP tee.


Having stormed down the catwalk at last week’s London Fashion Week, the sparkling designs in both black and orange have been described as being a “knock off of the knock off – in sequins” by the high end designer himself! It could be said that we rarely see such a bold direct move made by a designer on the catwalk that isn’t almost entirely lost in creativity.

Whilst news continues to circulate on this story, simultaneously humouring fashion fans and professionals alike. The real response is yet to come, looking to both Jay-Z and BBP for their opinion on Ford’s recent revelation.

Words By: Matthew Ford

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