
END. X Reebok Insta Pump Fury ‘Claret’ Sneaker

END. and Reebok have collaborated on the beautifully detailed Claret sneaker.


Inspired by the fine wine, the sneaker comes as part of the Insta Pump Fury 20th anniversary collection, along with 26 other styles which will be released throughout the year.

The deep reds and burgundies are a reference to Claret and the way in which Insta Pump Fury, like a fine wine, has aged into a classic over these past 20 years. The shoe also features a suede toebox, a playful cork insole and splashes of gold along the sole.

A representative from the collaboration commented:

“It’s a shoe that looked like it was from the future when it was first released and 20 years on is now firmly regarded as a classic vintage style. The Insta Pump Fury, like a fine wine, is proof that things get better with age, hence the END. x Reebok Insta Pump Fury ‘Claret’.”

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Grab your pair next week at

Words: Ernela Vukaj

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