
Film Review: Yves Saint Laurent

To introduce our brand new section on PAUSE online, ‘Instagrammer Of The Week’. Each week we will be interviewing a stylish guy from Instagram, picked & selected by our editors, to spread the inspiration that we all continuously LIKE. This week we introduce… @Alkarus.


You’ve probably seen him reblogged all over Tumblr, constantly liked on Instagram and posted onto your social feeds. Well PAUSE got the chance to catch with the French-based blogger, Alkarus, to discuss his growth on Instagram and personal style.




Why did you decide to start an Instagram?
I didn’t think my style would be as liked and supported as it has been. That’s why I didn’t start with a blog. Instagram allows freedom, I don’t owe anyone anything. I prefer to often post my outfits for the people who support me, than for a brand who will offer me products.

It’s banal that brands can contact you to promote their products but I will accept if this is a brand that I’m a fan of. For the moment, I prefer to refuse the propositions and wear my own clothing – even if I can’t often post outfits. I really like to show my own style. 

What’s your favorite Instagram photo that you’ve taken?
Probably the one where I walk in white and grey…It represents my style well. Minimalist.


Your dress sense is unique, describe your style? 

Thank you. I mix up several styles by trying to get a minimalist style. As Henry D. Thoreau said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. So I strive for the simplicity.

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

My style is the reflection of my daily life. Architecture can influence me or the man who walks beside me can also. I like to analyze styles that I see in order to understand what I can do, but above all what I must avoid doing aswell. The most important thing for me is to avoid the dress error. Whatever type of style, it can look good If you don’t make any dressing errors.

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset  Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

How important is Instagram to fashion?
That depends. If it is used like a streetstyle blog it is a good way of communicating. If it’s like a brand for example, Instagram can add value – but that’s all. Incidentally, nowadays many brands start-up on Instagram… But that’s too fragile. Many brands have built their image without Instagram. However, Instagram has allowed followers to see what goes on behind the scenes.

Are you planning to branch out due to your Instagram success/popularity?
I don’t know if you can call it success but it’s true I have gained good support. I have projects about fashion but that’s not due to my Instagram.

Tips for other Instagrammers?
The only tips I can give: be patient and stop buying followers.

tulb shoot floral tee blanc


Check out his blog, follow him on Twitter and view his Instagram  page here.

Do you want to become the next Instagrammer of the week? Email us your photos, Instagram page, and blog if you have one to [email protected].

Interviewer: Ernela Vukaj

To introduce our brand new section on PAUSE online, ‘Instagrammer Of The Week’. Each week we will be interviewing a stylish guy from Instagram, picked & selected by our editors, to spread the inspiration that we all continuously LIKE. This week we introduce… @Alkarus.


You’ve probably seen him reblogged all over Tumblr, constantly liked on Instagram and posted onto your social feeds. Well PAUSE got the chance to catch with the French-based blogger, Alkarus, to discuss his growth on Instagram and personal style.




Why did you decide to start an Instagram?
I didn’t think my style would be as liked and supported as it has been. That’s why I didn’t start with a blog. Instagram allows freedom, I don’t owe anyone anything. I prefer to often post my outfits for the people who support me, than for a brand who will offer me products.

It’s banal that brands can contact you to promote their products but I will accept if this is a brand that I’m a fan of. For the moment, I prefer to refuse the propositions and wear my own clothing – even if I can’t often post outfits. I really like to show my own style. 

What’s your favorite Instagram photo that you’ve taken?
Probably the one where I walk in white and grey…It represents my style well. Minimalist.


Your dress sense is unique, describe your style? 

Thank you. I mix up several styles by trying to get a minimalist style. As Henry D. Thoreau said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. So I strive for the simplicity.

Where do you get your inspiration from? 

My style is the reflection of my daily life. Architecture can influence me or the man who walks beside me can also. I like to analyze styles that I see in order to understand what I can do, but above all what I must avoid doing aswell. The most important thing for me is to avoid the dress error. Whatever type of style, it can look good If you don’t make any dressing errors.

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset  Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

How important is Instagram to fashion?
That depends. If it is used like a streetstyle blog it is a good way of communicating. If it’s like a brand for example, Instagram can add value – but that’s all. Incidentally, nowadays many brands start-up on Instagram… But that’s too fragile. Many brands have built their image without Instagram. However, Instagram has allowed followers to see what goes on behind the scenes.

Are you planning to branch out due to your Instagram success/popularity?
I don’t know if you can call it success but it’s true I have gained good support. I have projects about fashion but that’s not due to my Instagram.

Tips for other Instagrammers?
The only tips I can give: be patient and stop buying followers.

tulb shoot floral tee blanc


Check out his blog, follow him on Twitter and view his Instagram  page here.

Do you want to become the next Instagrammer of the week? Email us your photos, Instagram page, and blog if you have one to [email protected].

Interviewer: Ernela Vukaj

The new Biopic depicts not only the vulnerability of the Couture design legend, but also his rebellious side.


Short fashion films are an increasing trend in the industry. Films about fashion however, are a rarity, especially films that go as in depth into a designer’s life as the new Yves Saint Laurent film.

Directed by Jalil Lespert, the new biopic explores the relationship between Algerian-born design extraordinaire Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé.

Starring Pierre Niney as Yves Saint Laurent and Guillaume Gallienne as the business-minded Pierre Bergé, the film follows Saint Laurent from the very start of his career, assisting legend Christian Dior at the French Couture house, to developing his own brand and becoming a respected designer.


As soon as you take your seat, you are overwhelmed with a stunning opening sequence, featuring shots of Saint Laurent’s home of Algeria. As well as being visually beautiful, the film is also incredibly honest. It captures Saint Laurent as the irritable, bratty and unfaithful man that he was, as well as encapsulating his talent for design. His character is not overly exaggerated, and although we do see a dark side to him, this does not distract from his genius.

Featuring real locations in Paris and Morocco, another incredible aspect of making the film was including original clothes from the Yves Saint Laurent Haute Couture collection archive, all with the permission of Pierre Bergé.

The film had the beautiful element of Haute couture, as well as the disturbing realities of the designer dealing with his manic depression. Sexual scenes also dominate many parts of the film, but are all necessary to emphasising Saint Laurent’s frame of mind.

Tournage YSL

We are so used to hearing about how timid and dependant Saint Laurent was as a character, so it is refreshing to see his liberated side being portrayed too. The film has the perfect balance between vulnerability and rebellion, and Niney’s performance as the designer was both believable and also educating. Niney commentedHis (Saint Laurent’s) shyness is the expression of an unfathomable flaw, which he has been able to turn into a formidable weapon.’

Tournage YSL

The film is first and foremost a beautiful love story. Regarding the direction of the film, Lespert focused on the relationship between the two minds behind the YSL Couture house, as opposed to the actual design aspect of the brand.

This is why a highlight of the film was the scene where Saint Laurent grabs a Mondrian art book from his shelf, and begins to sketch the iconic Mondrian geometirc dress. Watching the design process almost felt precious, as fashion had never been let in to such a private moment with the designer.

Yves Saint Laurent in Work Room

Featuring scenes with a young, jealous Karl Lagerfeld, YSL muse Betty Catroux, and even a flash of Andy Warhol’s wild hair, the film provides an element of excitement with recognisable faces and glimpses of an industry with so many secrets. The diffferent aspects of Yves Saint Laurent’s personality are balanced well, and emphasised with heart-breakingly beautiful imagery. Finally, fashion gets a glimpse into the very private life of a designer who always intruiged fashion, not just by his timidness, but also by his inner wild streak. Watching Yves Saint Laurent be liberated, and to see Bergé’s role in the process is what makes this not only a much sought after fashion film, but also an incredible love story.

Yves Saint Laurent is in cinemas across the UK from March 21st.

Words: Ernela Vukaj

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