
Get Personal: Customise Your Own T-Shirts

By March 24, 2014Fashion News

Fashion has always been about individuality and representing yourself through your clothing. Needless to say, with everyone being so individual, it’s become more difficult to get your own message across.

Screen Shot 2014-03-23 at 16.45.09tumblr_mn0qq6pAji1sqngkao1_500tumblr_mpl8dw5hZA1r6drupo1_500In this summer, this is all too apparent. Everyone blurs into each other with the same plain white tee. This is where Got The T Shirt come in. The brand allow you to customise your own tees and choose what design you would like printed on you t-shirt.

You can add your own photograph, image or text to make this item of clothing extremely personal to you. As well as this, the website have their own range of comic tees, including ones based on films, music and even an entire range of Banksy prints.

banksy-i-want-change-base guy-fawkes-disobey-base

To customise your own t-shirt and take a look at the range, head over to

Words: Ernela Vukaj

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