
Buscemi Metallic 100mm Sneakers

By October 2, 2014Sneakers

Introducing our first #OutfitGrid for Autumn, don’t be scared to wear white in the day time, stand-out and look Noisey.

Photographer: Benjamin Glean
Stylist: Samantha Ria

Clothing Credits: Sweatshirt: AKA, Pant: AKA, Trainers: Filling Pieces

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Introducing our first #OutfitGrid for Autumn, don’t be scared to wear white in the day time, stand-out and look Noisey.

Photographer: Benjamin Glean
Stylist: Samantha Ria

Clothing Credits: Sweatshirt: AKA, Pant: AKA, Trainers: Filling Pieces

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The luxe gets luxe-r.


Following on from their Hermes-inspired orange leather high tops, it seemed luxury sneaker brand, Buscemi, would find it hard to top themselves in the ostentatious stakes. However, they have managed it, with a trio of their trademark 100mm high tops, rendered in metallic leather; one bronze, one silver, and one gold. At £785.00, these probably cost more than an actual Olympic medal would to buy, but if that doesn’t put you off, then head over to Selfridges to cop a pair now.

Words: Nathan Sharp

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