
Is the Umbrella a stylish accessory?

By January 20, 2015Fashion News

PAUSE looks into the Urmbella.

With the recent weather resembling something similar to April showers, nobody wants to be caught out in the rain. The umbrella hasn’t be seen before as an ‘accessory’ – but more of a functional object, however many designs now are making it an extension to your outfit this year.

Umbrellas have been seen as something that isn’t manly or stylish to the modern man, but nobody wants to be turning up to work or an event defeated by the rain. There are plenty of stylish looking umbrellas this season that’ll you will be able to work stylishly into your current outfits.

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Umbrella 2
Umbrella 9
Umbrella 5

When people say ‘it’s all in the small details’ about garments and outfits, it’s the same for your accessories. An umbrella can do plenty of your outfit depending on what you want to achieve. If you want to carry out a simple extension, then maybe look out for an understated plain umbrella, with a unique handle. This could be a leather handle, a bold colour or pattern, but the handle will inject something extra to your look. Still need to make a statement with your outfit, but your stuck in your ways and want to wear all black still? It’s okay we all do it, but use the umbrella to bring in something new to your style! A striking handle, patterned umbrella whether that be chequered, striped or paisley will keep you dry in your all black, whilst drawing others into your look when you have your umbrella up.

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Umbrella 8
Umbrella 3

So that’s our opinion on the umbrella, an object we never really thought of as an accessory, but now something that we can use to bring in something different… and keeping us dry in the process.

Shop Umbrella’s below:

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