
Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters sued over Tupac design

By June 3, 2017Fashion News

Urban Outfitters and Forever 21 are being sued…again.

News has just broken that fast fashion retail giants Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters are being clapped with a lawsuit for their illegal use of Tupac Shakur photos. Photographer Danny Clinch has alleged that both companies used his 2002 copywrited photographs “illegally”. The acclaimed photographer will also be suing Bioworld Merchandising, Planet Productions and Amaru/AWA Merchandising, all accused of copyright infringement after having used his exclusive Rolling Stone photographs on T-shirts, jerseys and more. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as both companies have been in hot water for comparable legal offences before, including Forever 21’s lawsuit with PUMA and UO’s controversy with Coachella organizers.

You can view the official lawsuit documents here.

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