Junior Clint Who Redesigns His Own Off-White x Nike Project.
Meet 21-year-old model Junior Clint from Manchester, UK. The young creative took to redesign the OFF-WHITE x Nike sneaker design with his sewing machine. “I was scrolling through instagram several days ago and came across the Off-White X Nike collection by Virgil and was inspired to make a shoe with my sewing machine.” We at PAUSE spoke with Junior Clint about his latest creation and how he did it.
It’s all so surreal, I’ve only been learning how to sew for about 5 month and really grateful for my growth so far. The Spark to start this shoe came when Virgil put out an Instagram post of the Off-White Air Force 1 trainer with the caption, “@off____white c/o @nike shoe exercise comes with design tutorials and workshops for all on earth with internet access”. This post made me believe that I could do it so I tried and came up with this shoe. I wouldn’t label myself a designer yet as I’m still in the process of learning but will hopefully earn the title one day.

Most definitely, I’m working on a project as we speak.
and added see-through yellow tape for details.
Under the writing, i’ve added three small gold eyelets for a breathable feel to the shoe. The inner face includes orange see-through plastic material which is overlapped by Darice Mesh plastic canvas, cut to match the shape of the Nike Swoosh logo which I’ve embroidered onto the fabric using a zig zag stitching pattern and is detailed with a black square shape at the tail of the Swoosh.
I’ve also attached lines (inspired by the Off-White™ logo) that overlap the Swoosh.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Yes most definitely, I’m still in the process of making my own original designs so will keep the guys @ PAUSE updated at every stage of the process.