
Instagrammer Of The Week: vjborrelli

By October 15, 2017Featured, Instagram

Pause meets Vincenzo Borrelli

What do you use your Instagram for?
To be honest, post cool shit that I like, my wardrobe and my life and it’s kind of turned out to be a mood board of style and my life. To summarise, it’s roughly of 70% clothes, 20% personal and 10% zooming in on my face and random things I like

Why did you start it?
I originally started it in school just to have Instagram for keeping up with friends and posting anything like when Facebook or any other social is about when you start it. Now it’s turned into a business tool and platform for me to show my style, share things with the world and create opportunities for myself in the fashion industry through how I dress!

When did you start styling?
I started styling “properly” when I started university in 2014 (I think!) It was for my uni courses, small brands and a small amount of personal clientele

What’s your favourite Instagram photo you’ve taken and why?
Hands down, and it’s actually a video, is me dancing the ‘Enzo’ dance, alone, drunk, in Cannes, at a club on the beach, with my friends filming haha! Many good memories and I was veeery much enjoying my outfit that evening

Describe your style in one word.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
Almost entirely my friends! We’re all pretty big fashion nerds so we’re constantly scouting our favourite websites and Instagram’s of brands or store. Every now and again I may see a celebrity wearing a certain piece of clothing that I want, but very rarely will style it like them. My style is ultimately (and to answer the last question seriously) eclectic; I try and do the ‘Enzo’ version of boxy or rocker or contemporary etc. Me and my friends will always pair together totally random influences as a look or vibe to go for. Currently, it’s a small Asian woman aka if I can’t imagine my outfit on a cool as fuck small Asian girl, then it’s not right haha

How has London influenced your style?
London it’s self is eclectic and full of well dressed people, really bad dressers and everyone in between. I critique myself a lot, so in my head I critique others to be totally honest. This isn’t anything malicious, this is just me applying my own style to other people’s style and thinking ‘maybe I’d wear that like this’ and also just in general honing my own style and still figuring out what I like and I don’t like, beautiful clothes don’t stop being made and there’s always more shit to buy and this means making more decisions on what you love and the things you don’t like

What are you going to be wearing this AW17?
Who knows! I buy my clothes piece by piece and stand in front of my rail everyday for 10 minutes (unfortunately sometimes this is no exaggeration) and figure out New and different ways to mix my clothes in a way I think will look awesome! I have favourite outfits for sure that I wear multiple times but I only ever change my style with regards to temperature, colder = more layers and warmer = less layers, I rarely to stick to a seasonal code

Your favourite brand?
Impossible question, some of my favourite brands I barely own the clothing of where as some that I like less, I have the most clothing from! However three that I’m really enjoying at the moment is Berluti, Balenciaga and Prada.

Tips for taking a good Instagram photo?
Equal or interesting framing and don’t edit too much, keep it natural

You constantly post consistently, how do you manage your Instagram posts?
Again, I try to dress differently everyday! I will usually post a new piece of my wardrobe as soon as I can if I’ve got a new piece or if not, I’ll try to post a new combination of my clothing that I’ve not worn yet. I do have my comfort days too or a day where I really want to wear the same outfit as before or even sometimes 2 days in a row; in this case I won’t post another photo

Never-ready-but-actually-always-ready Borrelli 🎈

A post shared by Vincenzo (@vjborrelli) on

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