PAUSE meets Jae Geun Lee …

What Do You Use Your Instagram For?
To share images of my favourite outfits and fashion items at the moment.
Why Did You Start It?
Because I like fashion and love being creative, making new outfits and being inspiration to my followers.
When did you start fashion blogging?
I started about 3 years ago.

Why Is Your Instagram Handle ‘blavknut?’
I wanted to make my handle the same as the Korean rapper ‘Black Nut’, but obviusly his ID was already taken so I adapted it and came up with ‘blavknut’.
Describe Your Style In One Word.
What’s your favourite Instagram photo you’ve taken and why?
Because it is an all black outfit and it really is effective, with oversized fits and the giant sole from the Fear of God sneakers, it all works well together.

Where Do You Get Your Inspiration From?
Mainly from Instagram, I follow some pretty cool people who inspire me and my outfits. Instagram is really the best platform to get outfit ideas and get ideas to make some different style choices.
How Has Korean Fashion Influenced Your Style?
Korean fashion sports a lot of oversized pieces, and it is a staple part of Korean fashion throughout history, so I love to wear really oversized clothing, I will often buy the biggest size possible in most of my pieces so it can be as huge as possible.
What Are You Going To Be Wearing This AW17?
This AW17, I think I will continue with my typical black, oversized look and I will probably wear a lot of Balenciaga, i think reds, burgundy and orange rust type colours are great for AW17, and I try to add a bit of those colours in my outfits just to separate the ‘all black’ or just to add an AW feel.

Your Favourite Brand?
Balenciaga. I own so many of their sneakers and clothing, they are a brand that keeps getting better and better.
Tips for Taking a Good Instagram Photo?
I take pictures several times, just to make sure I have at least one that I will like, and I like to keep them as natural as possible with little or no editing at all.
You Constantly Post Consistently, How Do You Manage Your Instagram Posts?
I post a lot, but I think I delete more than I actually post, because I am very picky with the aesthetic of my Instagram and I will sometimes delete a picture that I don’t like.
