
#AtHome with PAUSE: Q&A with Adonis Bosso

By October 21, 2020Music Interviews
Hey Adonis, thank you for joining me! How have you been?

I’m good thanks! Thank you for having me.

How has life in lockdown been treating you?

In the beginning, it was a little hard I have to admit. At first, I was finding ways to be creative I was reading every day and exercising, I got really good at guitar because I was like “let me just concentrate on something,”

After a little while I got.. not necessarily depressed but I was kind of in my feelings. I’m so used to travelling all the time; I came back to Canada to be with my parents because it was just a better environment than being the US and now I feel like I’m back in High school. I have to be like “Mom I’ll be right there.”

It’s a strange one, isn’t it? No-one really knows what the right or wrong thing to do is.

Now that restaurants have opened I’ve got a little sense of sanity and have been able to see a couple of friends. I’ve learnt how to record myself so I don’t have to go into the studio, I just had to find ways to stay productive.

That’s good to hear! Can you tell our readers a little about yourself?

Well, I’ve been modelling for the past ten years. I modelled for a lot of big brands, from Dolce and Gabanna, Westwood to Fear of God as well as commercials like GAP and ZARA. From 2016 I really started focusing on my music and in 2018/19 I got signed to Disturbing London, I’ve been really concentrating to put some music out and here we are today with ‘No more’.

Congratulations man!  Would you say it’s similar to your previous work?

With ‘Alright’ it was a more comfort song, to feel good in moments of crisis.

With this one, it’s more upbeat. All my songs represent different aspects of me and I try to get put a little bit of me in all the things that I like and have inspired my music. This is another aspect, it reminds me of the ‘80s, youth and happiness. I wanted to bring in this record and with this video and one of the reasons I made the cartoon too.

I love the tempo of the track, it has a real feel-good vibe about it.

I love that! That was the idea. When I heard the beat, it reminded of an ’80s MJ track.

The video is amazing! For me, there is a sense of nostalgia watching cartoons like that again.

It’s dedicated to my son.  I did the music video with his mother and it’s a little token for him, something for him to have in the future and still brings me back to my childhood I love it!

How did you come up with the idea?

In Highschool and Elementary, I used to be the kid that drew a lot. I love cartoons, Anime, Manga; with having a son I wanted to give him something because his Mom and I are no longer together so he can see his fans.

And now with the wonders of the Internet, putting it online means it’s there forever. What a nice thing to give.

Exactly, he’ll always have that and be able to see it. He’ll be 15 and be like “Oh wow in 2020 my Dad did this video for me,”

You should be so proud!

I was like “yeah my dads pretty cool haha.”

PHOTO CREDIT: @stosart

So you were born in the Ivory Coast and then moved to Canada. How do you feel your heritage is translated in the latest track?

I feel like the up-tempo and rhythmic essence of my African heritage is still in it. Even with the video, it’s very Afro-futurism. My character, the ship being an African mask, I really try and put every part of me in my music.

It reminds me of this Canadian band Chromeo. It’s a nice mash-up of who I am and different parts of me.

Would you say you are influenced by Chromeo?

They’re definitely part of my influence; artists that I hope to work with, I admire and that I consider my peers.

Who do you have your eye on to work with next?

Right now I’d love to work with someone like Erika Badu. I’d love to create music or a project, I love the frequency and the essence of her music. There is definitely a feel-good and soulful vibe and I’d love to have her help me channel something like that.

I also wanted to touch on your modelling work. You’ve had such a fruitful career walking from Dolce & Gabanna and Westwood but have you been following any shows virtually?

Yeah, Balmain just had their show and I love that shows are still happening and that people are still being able to stay creative in some way. Even I’ve been able to do photoshoots; people have been sending clothes from home for the shoot.

The industry is changing, but it’s nice to see people still being creative.

How would you describe your style?

My style right now is still inspired by the ‘70s, Jimmy Hendrix and David Ruffin. I love a silk shirt and I love a flared pant, I’ve been on my flared pants vibe since 2018. Every day I’ve been looking at flared pants in thrift stores — there’re some really good thrift stores in Toronto too.

I love a good wide-leg pant. I keep telling my friends “don’t go for a skinny jean.”

Yeah, I was just watching Balmain and most of their pants where flared I was like “oh we started a trend!”

You’ve walked for the likes of Versace and Westwood. What were your highlights?

This year I was able to work with Beyoncé, that was the highlight of my career for me. I have really great experiences of travelling around to places I have never been, Cuba, Jamaica. But working with Beyoncé was a milestone for me, it’s one for the books.

I bet it was amazing to work with her. She just oozes creativity.

Definitely. I was really honoured to be part of it.

Music or Modelling?

At this point, I think I’ve mastered modelling, I don’t think there isn’t anything that I can’t do.

It’s time to now master a new craft, I still have lots to learn in music from writing to building my skills. It’s exciting because it’s really a part of me that I’m really giving out. With modelling, it’s more other people that your bringing to life and with music it’s all in my head, my words. It’s my universe and I love that freedom.

You have an opportunity to be raw and honest, whereas modelling can sometimes be limited to levels.

Exactly, in fashion modelling, you’re supposed to be a canvas. Whereas in music the whole world is my canvas.

Who would you say are your musical influences then?

There’s a lot of Bob Marley, Lauryn Hill, Lenny Kravitz and Toni Braxton it’s all r&b. The love music, when people were trying to make you feel something – I’m trying to bring it back to that.

I guess that’s kind of reflected in your clothes too?

Yes. I think my whole style and aesthetic is inspired by my style and these people. The hippy, the earthy and the soulful are all things that influence me.

Lastly, what does the future hold for Adonis Bosso?

I think the future holds really good things, more music and more projects. My creativity is running wild right now so I’m excited to share with the rest of the world everything that I’m able to create.

You can stream and watch Adonis Bosso’s latest project ‘No More’ here.

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