
PAUSE Highlights: Layering with a Long Coat

By November 12, 2021Fashion News, Style, Style Picks

Layer-up this winter.

The term “long coat” in this context is admittedly a bit vague. It could stand to mean a trench coat, mac, chesterfield, overcoat etc. But, with mere details being the difference between each style, we have decided to throw them all under one roof and present styling suggestions to you no matter what type of long coat you own.

After all, layering season, and its accompanying cold weather, has arrived and throwing a long coat over a selection of other garments is a tried and tested way of staying warm with style during the winter chill.

One thing that almost all styles of long jacket have in common is their heritage. Mainly being British inventions, such as the trench, mac and chesterfield, which have accumulated an association with more formal, gentlemanly dressing due to their history. However, as this feature will show, this does not always have to be the case in that often those with a more casual, streetwear-inclined style have used long coats to create a playful contrast.

Whether you want to wear a suit and tie with a long, traditional trench coat layered over the top or want to pair a long coat with a matching tracksuit set, we have selected a range of methods to layer with a long coat.

Styled by a selection of sartorial experts, check out the gallery below along with some shopping suggestions.

Styling Suggestions:

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