
Way to Stop Hair Loss from Ruining Your Style

By March 15, 2022Guest Post

Many things can result in hair loss. Stress, age, health issues, medications or even a bad reaction to certain hair products on rare occasions. While some of these circumstances might be out of your control, that doesn’t mean it makes it any easier to deal with. You might find that your struggles with hair loss have left you feeling self-conscious, but you shouldn’t let this ruin your sense of style. Below are a few tips and suggestions on how you can still look great every day, even if your hair is thinning.

Choose a Flattering Hairstyle

Everyone can agree that combovers or toupees are not flattering, and they can even draw more attention to bald spots or thinning hair. If you want to make sure that your hair loss isn’t affecting your sense of style, choose a hairstyle that works. This might mean shaving your head or cutting it cut short in the most affected areas. While this new hairdo might take some getting used to if you usually would have your hair long, it can look much better in the end and draw less attention to your hair loss.

Wear a Hat or Head Scarf

Wearing a stylish hat or scarf could be another way to still stay stylish without letting your hair loss get in the way. You might find yourself more willing to wear hats in the cooler months, but a lighter material or summer hat can work well when the weather is hot. A colourful head scarf can also work nicely and even add a vintage touch to your look if you like these particular styles. Just be wary that your hat or scarf isn’t too tight on your head, not just for your comfort but also not to exacerbate the affected area and risk thinning your hair even faster.

Consider a Hair Transplant

If your hair loss is bothering you a lot, another option you could consider is getting a hair transplant. There are two types of hair transplants you can get, FUE and FUT. FUE transplants might take a little longer, but the FUT requires the surgeon to take a strip of donor skin with hair follicles from another part of your scalp and move it to the affected area. An FUE extracts individual hair follicular units and transfers them to the area you want to treat. You can find out more about hair transplants at

Take Pride in Your Appearance

You might not be able to do a lot about your hair loss, but taking pride in your appearance through dressing well, grooming and generally looking after yourself can still help to boost your confidence regardless. If you don’t want to highlight your hair loss, draw attention to other features about your looks that you do like instead. You can still look smart and stylish no matter if your hairline is thinning or you are starting to get bald patches!

If you are tired of letting your hair loss knock your confidence, try these tips and see if they can help you get your groove back.

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