The Rise of Oakley.
The rebirth of Oakley is definitely one to be studied, with the outdoor gear brand making their presence known this SS23′ season as they bring forward collaborations with Brain Dead, Palace, and Satisfy. For this effort, their divisive Chop Saw silhouette receives a mule makeover by none other than Brain Dead.
LA-based counter-culture outfit Brain Dead have long been one of the mainstays in the streetwear scene, with this latest collaboration proving once again that they gravitate towards brands that align with their own design ethos. For this collaborative Chop Saw Mule, Brain Dead x Oakley keeps what makes the famous shoe a fan favourite, with the iconic riveted sole unit and laceless composition making this a comfort-centric God send. Arriving in shades of black and grey, the lowkey pair feature a leather and textile upper composition, signature silver-tone Oakley “O” branding, as well as a rubber outsole.
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