
Nike To Close Stores Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

By March 16, 2020Fashion News

With other outlets to follow suit.

Nike just announced the closure of most of its stores due to the health concerns surrounding the spreading of Coronavirus. 

Making the announcement via social media, the biggest sportswear brand in the world stated it will be closing all of its U.S stores, with other outposts around the world set to follow suit from March 16 through to March 27, as a preventive measure to the spreading of the virus that has already caused disruptions to retailers all over the world. With 750 locations worldwide, countries like South Korea, Japan and most of China are due to remain open, but Nike has assured shoppers that these stores will be very highly monitored and examined daily.

The memo from Nike read:

The well-being of our teammates and consumers is our top priority so we have decided to close our stores in multiple countries around the world including in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). These closures will go into effect from Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 27. Customers can continue to shop on and on our Nike apps.

 We are taking additional steps in other Nike-managed facilities, including the option to work from home, staggered work schedules, social distancing and additional safety and cleaning steps to help protect and support our teammates.

Our Nike-owned stores in South Korea, Japan, most of China and in many other countries are currently open and will continue their normal operations.

See the announcement below: 


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With love, Your Nike Family

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