
VOTE: Jaden Smith @ Believe Premiere – Yes Or No?

Justin Beiber’s latest movie Premiere saw Jaden Smith attend in one of the most bizarre outfits of 2013. We really don’t know how to feel about this, a second opinion is definitely needed.

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We are all for edgy men’s fashion but the Caribbean socks with the vibrant draped t-shirt just clash, both items separately we love. The jumper is dope, we are feeling the top half of the outfit but we just can’t move passed the colourful socks. Maybe plain black socks would have made this outfit work better?

We love the hair and like where he was going with the whole look but he just executed it all wrong.
If their was ever a reason to prove that socks do matter, this is it!

But what do you think?



Jaden Smith at Believe Premiere

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Words by Peter Jones

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