
LCM: COMMON AW14 Presentation

Vivienne Westwood most certainly put her opinions across about fracking warfare through her collection.


Westwoods show notes consisted of: “Attention: Fracking is the Big Fight. In England we must all challenge the irresponsible behavior of our governments who are trying to force fracking upon us with no consideration of alternatives. The public must be informed. One thing is sure: At this point in time we must think before we rush into further action to fracture our earth.”

The collection included the infamous, wild three button suits and tailored coats. But what caught our eye at Pause, were the large variety in positively thick, duvet coats, big sweaters and tracksuits. The tracksuits were a large hit with fashionistas, they were in gold lame or see through mesh, an exciting perception on the style.

The image of a fracking war was strongly portrayed through apocalyptic anoraks, excess layers and metallic tracksuits. The matrix style of clothing was reinforced through the models, who had black or white hair in rigid shapes and hair-sprayed on a whole new level representing petroleum .


Vivienne Westwood most certainly put her opinions across about fracking warfare through her collection.


Westwoods show notes consisted of: “Attention: Fracking is the Big Fight. In England we must all challenge the irresponsible behavior of our governments who are trying to force fracking upon us with no consideration of alternatives. The public must be informed. One thing is sure: At this point in time we must think before we rush into further action to fracture our earth.”

The collection included the infamous, wild three button suits and tailored coats. But what caught our eye at Pause, were the large variety in positively thick, duvet coats, big sweaters and tracksuits. The tracksuits were a large hit with fashionistas, they were in gold lame or see through mesh, an exciting perception on the style.

The image of a fracking war was strongly portrayed through apocalyptic anoraks, excess layers and metallic tracksuits. The matrix style of clothing was reinforced through the models, who had black or white hair in rigid shapes and hair-sprayed on a whole new level representing petroleum .


The COMMON AW14 show gave us minimalistic excellence. The collection colour pallet was predominantly black with the occasional appearance of navy and bottle green. Even the eccentric red puffer jacket managed to sit cohesively with the rest of the collection due to the turtle neck sitting underneath each layer with the imprint ‘CMMN’ on it. This completed each outfit transforming a relatively smart collection into a contemporary edgy outfit for the fashion savvy young man.

Almost all the models were supporting slicked back wet look hair, a hairstyle which has been seen loads throughout LCM. Puffer Jackets were also prevalent in the collection with 4 of the 10 outfits dressed around a puffer jacket matched with the turtle neck to make a killer look. Overall COMMON provided an accessible collection with the genius combination of turtle necks under shirts in a suit format. Something which we hope to see in 2014.

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