
Instagram’s Effects on #FashionWeek

By March 12, 2014Fashion News


Fashion Week is where everything and everyone comes together. Bloggers, industry people, and general fashion followers all gather in the most stylish cities in the world to watch designers showcase their new collections. Amongst all the pandemonium is the most essential accessory: the iPhone.

In a world where ‘selfie’ is the most used word, Instagram is one of the most important apps that a Fashion Week attendee can have on their phone. This is an image-based industry; it only makes sense that we turn to Instagram to capture the chaos.




Never has fashion moved at a faster pace, than when Instagram came along. You used to have to wait until a fashion magazine was published to get all the latest on fashion shows and what will be in next season, now you get looks straight from the catwalk onto your iPhone within seconds.

You don’t even need to attend Fashion Week to feel the atmosphere thanks to the video option. Instead of just seeing an image from a catwalk show you can hear the music, watch the movement of the clothes, and even hear the whispers of front row gossip.



You’re also able to get a glimpse into a world that professional photographers won’t let you into. Models and designers themselves are posting previews of the looks before they even hit the catwalk.

And of course, everyone can see what you are wearing. The selfie defines this generation.


Where’s a more fashionable selfie to capture than a selfie captured at fashion week?

Let us know what you think, do you think Instagram has influenced fashion week? And does this make you feel more involved with the industry? Tweet or comment below with your thoughts.

Words: Ernela Vukaj

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