
LCM: Fashion East SS15 Collection

The Fashion East scheme, which champions young emerging designers, showcased a collection of 5 different designers at London Collections: Men this year. It is an accompanying show to the MAN show that we covered earlier, with alumni such as Astrid Anderson and Agi & Sam. This year’s collection was very exciting. For their show, they had a uniquely interactive experience where the guests could interact with the models and clothes – emphasising the environment within which the collection was as well as the clothes themselves – all in all helping portray the aesthetic. The collections were each like individual intricate art installations.

Our two favourites were the following:

First was Alan Crocetti, whose collection distinctly had a lot of attitude. There was very much a street fighter/boxer chic – apparently ‘inspired by the wreck less’ – a group of people who break and fix themselves. Crocetti has also apparently taken inspiration from the classic film, Fight Club, for this collection. He introduced an array of innovative accessories such as a silver plate you wear on your nose where you would normally wear a nose-cast after breaking your nose or something similar. alan_crocetti_8_0 fashion-east-ss15-courtesy001 tumblr_n7aourlkBJ1qcvru5o1_500 tumblr_n79hbnVSnk1qbccs4o1_400-374x500


Second was Edward Crutchley, whose collection was an amalgamation of East and West. His choice of print and pattern were excellent – the collection was entirely based off what seemed like Asian and African prints, most notably the Ikat print. He managed to tie these heritage and traditional prints with the most modern and progressive street wear – tunics, shorts, leggings, flatcaps, hoodies etc. The way that he juxtaposed progressive contemporary fashion with ancient prints was excellent. At PAUSE we loved this collection.

FASHION EAST LCM JUNE 2014 photo2-2-e1402995243556Words: Abdullah Ali Jawad

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