
Red Carpet: The TCA 2015 Men’s style


Celebrities put their most stylish foot forward on the Teen Choice Awards 2015 Red Carpet.

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PAUSE: Jason Derulo knew how to set the basic and essential pieces of clothing, combined with a simple black and grey palette of colours.

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SKIP: Unfortunately for “Empire” actor and hip hop artist Bryshere ‘Yazz’ Gray, the relaxed outfit did not balance well with the striking and dazzling red sneakers…

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PAUSE: … unlike Jussie Smollett who chose a fresh and clean ensemble.

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SKIP: We admit being ripped-jeans strong advocates. But Vine star Nash Grier’s combination with a ripped-tee and a ripped-jacket might be a little bit too much.


SKIP: Despite a touching father-son duo on the Teen Choice Awards carpet, Wiz Khalifa’s open shirt speaks for itself.

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SKIP: Hip hop singer Flo Rida was up to a tight grey t-shirt, but the whole combination of shiny grey and red velvet was a fashion faux-pas.

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 PAUSE: “Jane the Virgin” actor Justin Baldoni was all about comfort and elegance for the Teen Choice Awards 2015.

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PAUSE: Austin Mahone chose his usual streetwear outfit, with a touch of silver style at the end of his shoes.

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SKIP: Ludacris failed to woo us, with a lackluster polo combination.

Who was the best dressed man at Teen Choice Awards 2015?

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