

By November 30, 2016Fashion News, Features

An exclusive look into ADER ERROR FW16 Lookbook and interview with the Korean-based brand.


What was the main motivating factor that drove you to start ADER error? 

ADER error was made by a team who gathered from a diverse field to make contents for fun. We created the brand to communicate with people through our contemporary, simple, but unique contents with fashion. We always think and believe that ‘The important role of ‘Edit’’. In otherwise, we make normal things abnormal, different.

I think it’s good that you focus on simplistic reinvention of key wardrobe pieces that have contemporary and vintage elements intertwined throughout. Is it important to you to remember the past but to reinterpret it as fashion sometimes focuses too much on the future? And if so, what era inspires you the most in terms of street style?

We usually get inspiration from the past and the present more than the future. Actually, our inspiration is almost not future-oriented. The past then now has influenced us deeply. As our brand slogan ‘But near missed things’, we focus on things which people would be able to miss easily. We reinterpret it and make it special on our own way. In our opinion, street style has always expressed each street culture from the past to the present. With this sensibility, it goes to the future.

As we live in a digital age, how important has social media been to ADER ERROR? And without the likes of Instagram do you think it would have been harder to garner attention?

We have communicated with people in the world through the internet, SNS. Our contents on the web are the message which we deliver to people in the world.  Of course, no one can deny the power of social media in a digital age now including us. But it’s not the hack. We have focused on our contents itself from the bottom. Social media helps us garner more attention surely and we enjoy it, but not all.

There is no space-time limitation on online, but there is on offline platform. As well as online platform like SNS, taking this kind of limitation, we’re preparing some contents which we can communicate with people on offline platform soon.    

To someone who has just discovered ADER error, what five words would you use to sum up the brand’s ethos?

Basic, simple, aesthetic, colour and edit.

Do you have any good fashion advice for our readers that you’ve learned over the year?

We don’t know but we’d love to tell all of you one thing. Please look around near things, find ‘wit’ from them, make it your own thing with you own colour, and just play. Then it’s your thing, not a kind of trend thing.

See the full ADER ERROR Fall/Winter 2016 Lookbook below:

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For more from ADER ERROR visit their website:

Interview by Callum McIntyre

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