
PAUSE Gadgets Christmas Gift List

By December 16, 2016Fashion News, Gadgets, Xmas

Take a look at our PAUSE Gadgets Christmas Gift Guide…


Verve Rider by Motorola

Phil Warrington at Spotty dog comms

Lots of tech specs packed into this one. 12-hour battery and 150 feet Bluetooth range, these wireless earphones are a perfect match for the new iPhone and allows full control over Siri and google now. £59.99/£79.99

benm6768 benm6769

Leef Ibridge 3

Harriet Robinson at Midnight PR

Transfer, backup, capture and store photos? No brainer Leef ibridge. Secure andiPhonect in design, you can free up essential space on your iphone with easy access. 64 GB £89.99. 16 GB £44.99


Survivor Power Bank

Kev Callus at choc one comms

With various fashion weeks kick off right after new year, the aptly named survivor power bank if for active creative. For both smart phone and tablet, it has a 10,050 mAh charging capacity. This means it’s really good with power and speed of charging. It is also dust and water proof. £49.99


Pop Tracker

Kandance Williamson at Frank PR

With a slick and modern design, Pop is an activity tracker that automatically tracks your activity, walking, running, swimming and sleeping. Pairing with the health mate app, it will give you advice on how to be the most health. It reads what you do to give you an accurate date. Be it swimming or sleeping, it knows. £119.95


Photos & Words: Benjamin Glean

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