
C2H4’S FW17 Campaign Is Out Of This World

By November 20, 2017Fashion News

C2H4's FW17 Futuristic Campaign

C2H4 partnered with visual artist Amber Park for their FW17 Campaign to create images that appear to be located on a military base in space. Amber created three different scenes to set the look book across, each location compliments the futuristic streetwear feel of the clothes perfectly. The collection includes reconstructed favourites from the previous collection, along with new pieces.

The collection and campaign are set in 2052, Post World War 3. A Chemist is showing us around the Military Base that he has been working in. The entire collection and campaign are very conceptual, and tell a story that is easy to read. Whether it is a lab coat, a hoodie with ‘chemist’ written across the front, or a distressed jumper, they all tie in to the post-apocalyptic chemist survivor story.

View the full campaign below.

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