
Instagrammer of the Week: @codolipranne

Pause meets Marc Kuakumensah.

What do you use your Instagram for?
I use Instagram to share my outfits and my vision of fashion.

Why did you start it?
I started because all my friends always said that I was stylish and that I had a particular style that could inspire a lot of people on Instagram. I am able to combine simplicity, elegance and minimalism without taking out all my charisma.

Describe your style in one word.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get inspiration everyday on the streets of Paris and also from Instagram. I admit I am inspired by women a lot. I tend to observe the style of the Parisian woman on the street.

How has Paris influenced your style?
As I said, Parisian women inspire me a lot, but I’m also influenced every day when I walk the streets of Paris. I think that Paris is the only city where you will meet people who will dress better than you, even if you have the best outfit.

What are you going to be wearing this AW17?
In AW17,  I will certainly wear long coats, and wear minimalist colours and add a vintage touch with my accessories. I want to be much more ‘vintage’ this season.

Your favourite brand?
Sorry, I don’t have a favourite brand.  I do my shopping in the men’s department, as well as the women department, and in secondhand clothes shops rather than top range shops.

Tips for taking a good Instagram photo?
A good Instagram photo? Just put your outfit on in advance and be charismatic in the picture.

You constantly post consistently, how do you manage your Instagram posts?
I don’t have a special management for my posts on Instagram, I just post when I have a good picture of my outfit on my phone.

🇫🇷 | @converse

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