
PAUSE Editorial: Les Benjamins Spring/Summer 2018

Les Benjamins

Styling: Rhys Marcus Jay // @rhysmarcusjay
Fashion Assistant: Suril // @suril__

Photographer: Jake Hateley // @jakehateley
Models: Taylor & Emily // @
taylorkaeknott @emily.j.odonnell

Streetwear Meets Oceanian Culture…

For spring/summer 2018 Les Benjamins take us to a world where streetwear meets Oceanian culture through the lens of the founder, Bunyamin Aydin’s culturally-rich perspective. Acknowledging the importance of elders in the passing of knowledge from one generation to the next, the brand has materialised this message in the form of elegant patterns, delicate garments and radical embroideries. Once again, the Istanbul based label offers a unique take on dressing this season while remaining true to their intrinsically contemporary roots.


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