
Take a Sneak Peek into Horizn Studio’s Store Launch Party

An event that you wouldn't want to miss...

The forward-thinking provider of travel goods, Horizn Studios, recently held an exclusive event in order to celebrate London Fashion Week as well as the opening of the brand’s new store. Specifically, the next generation travel brand invited a huge variety of creatives along to their Shoreditch outlet located on Redchurch St. where they were met with the new plush space, fantastic drinks as well music from DJ Seth Troxler.

The vibrant crowd saw the likes of Primi Pratnasiri, Bobby Pleasure, Cobbie Yates, Sandra Bulldock, Sophia Hadjipantelli and more make an appearance adorned in fits that were clearly inspired by the week of fashion that surrounded the event.  Take a look at some images from the celebration below, if you like what you see head over to the space yourself or visit the brand’s website by clicking the following button.  There you will be able to find out more and shop their offerings, one of which is even a limited edition Seth Troxler x Horizn Studios Model H case.

#letsgofurther #letsgotogether #horiznstudios #hs #sethxhoriznstudios #stroxler

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