
Tress Clothing Teams with Calm for Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month

By November 6, 2018Fashion News

One to keep your eye on.

Launching just 8 months ago, Tress clothing has gone from just an idea, to a brand that already has events, collaborations and influencers under their belt. Specifically, the London-based label provides offering such as jackets and tees to joggers and cashmere jumpers to fashion enthusiasts the take style and quality of build into serious consideration.

That’s why you should be excited to hear that the brand have recently teamed with Calm, the men’s mental health charity to increase the attention on Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. As well as this, Stephen is encouraging people to share their most positive memories via #BeIconic as he looks to remind people that it’s not all bad, adding that those kind of highlights can make people feel better, even if it’s just for a moment.

To find out more then head over to Tress Clothing’s website, while you are there why not pick up a piece or two and have
20% of the sale’s profits go to Calm.

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