
Our Guide To Updating Your Wardrobe On A Budget

It’s a fact everyone can agree on – even those of us on tight budgets want to look our best. While those short term loans you took out to cover a broken boiler might be screaming at you to stop, the temptation to pick up a brand new wardrobe staple as the new season approaches can be a lot to handle but thankfully, updating your array of outfits doesn’t have to mean bankruptcy, Here, we’re taking a look at how you can update your wardrobe on a budget.

Clear Out Your Current Wardrobe

First thing’s first, you should probably clear out and organise your current wardrobe. Too many of us are guilty of buying more and more things without giving them a proper place and have seen towering piles of rogue t-shirts and countless jeans as a result. Taking out time to go through what you have and sort through what can be kept or thrown can be a great opportunity to start putting together brand-new looks. By pairing that t-shirt you forgot you had with the jeans you used to love before a new pair came along, you’ve already got a good-as-new look without spending a penny.

Spruce Up The Pieces You Already Own

While you’re knee-deep in clothes, it’s also the perfect time to work out which items you should put out of their misery and throw away or donate and which could do with a bit of sprucing up. That jumper that’s been gathering hair could just need a session with a lint roller, while a fabric shaver can get that clumping frizz off of your favourite cardigans and shirts. If your favourite staples are starting to fade, you could pick up a pack of dye and rejuvenate them with a whole new lease of life – no ones likes fading black jeans!

Keep Your Eye Out For Deals

Coupons, discounts, sales and more – these are all perfect opportunities to pick up something new. Whether you patiently wait for the item you’ve been wanting to go on sale towards the end of the season, or you head out in search of inspiration, there is always a store out there holding a sale or offering coupons and discounts at any point. If you’re an online shopper, browser add-ons like Honey will even search for these coupons for you, taking out all of the legwork before you ever commit to buying.

Buy Out Of Season

This requires a bit of forward planning, but those wanting cheap new additions to their wardrobe should consider buying outside of the season. This essentially means picking up those bargain winter buys in summer, and your brand-new summer look as autumn rolls around. Stores always put higher prices on the items that are likely to be in demand and with the end of season sales right there at your fingertips, you can pick up something truly stunning without ever paying the full price.

Pick Classic Favourites

If you really do need something new for your wardrobe and aren’t having any luck with the sales, make sure you go for something that you can wear all year. Whether it’s a new white chiffon blouse for the summer that can be layered once winter comes around, or a pair of jeans that are perfect regardless of the weather outside (except for the odd scorching summer’s day!), investing in a classic staple that will last can ensure you always have something on hand to wear.

Updating your wardrobe doesn’t have to be an expensive affair. From sprucing up your existing clothes and mixing and matching them into new outfits, to buying out of the season when the sales are around, you could be walking around looking a million bucks in no time.

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