
PAUSE Meets: Thutmose

By December 18, 2019Featured, Features, Music


Talks growing up, music & London

Stylist: Kojo // @k.o.j.o
Photographer: Zekaria Al-Bolstani // @zek.snaps
Interview: Tom Barker // @toombarker
Grooming: Aimee Twist // [email protected]

Featuring: Thutmose // @thutmose

Hail Thutmose!

While citing the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Jay-Z as his musical inspirations, growing up in Nigeria and then, New York, Thutmose experienced a unique cultural upbringing that still influences his sound to this day. Following the release of his latest track with Rema ‘Love in the Morning’, PAUSE caught up with the rising artist.

Cardigan: Gucci @ MrPorter, Utility Vest Bag: Jordan Luca, T-Shirt: Berthold, Trousers: Berthold, Shoes: Prada

Why did you choose the name Thutmose?

Egyptian culture and symbols have always fascinated me. I’m a big movie guy and whenever royalty speaks in movies, everyone listens. I want people to listen to my music in the same way, hanging on every last word.

Growing up in Nigeria, what music you were around during that time?

We only heard the top music coming out of the west, I loved pop and African music. Michael Jackson was my favorite and I still take a lot of inspiration from those sounds.

When did you first decide you wanted music to be your career?

In college, I became obsessed with writing songs and recording myself. I dropped out of college to fold clothes and save money for studio time and obsessed over creating music. At that point, it was clear to me that it would be my career.

Did you like London?

I love London, I am always inspired in new places and the only other time I was in London was to shoot the music video for ‘Love In The Morning’ with Rema for 48 hours. Amazing people and food.

Are you into designer clothes?

Yeah I love designer clothes, it’s just another way of expressing myself, doesn’t have to be designer but I love the quality those brands hold themselves to.

What are your plans for next year?

I’m just getting started. Going to put out more music, more visuals and continue to build with everyone who’s been supporting me since day one.

Denim Jacket: Fubu Archive @ No Licence Shop, T-Shirt: Balenciaga, rousers: Pronounce, Shoes: Prada

T-Shirt: Balenciaga, Trousers: Pronounce

Hoody: Ambush @ MrPorter, Shirt: Burberry, Jeans: MrPorter

Jacket: Ocularis, Tracksuit Jacket: Jordan Luca, Bottoms: Bianca Saunders, Shoes: Prada, Bag: P.O.A.N

Follow Thutmose on Instagram

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