
Chanel Announces Face Mask Production Efforts For COVID-19

By March 31, 2020Fashion News

Ensuring medical supplies for the outbreak.

Joining a growing list of fashion brands who have made commitments to help fight the coronavirus outbreak, Chanel is the latest fashion house to announce that its factories will be now making face masks and protective gear for medical staff.

Chanel, which is one of the few brands that is now owned by a luxury conglomerate, announced it would be pivoting to face masks and protective gear production. Releasing a statement declared it was mobilizing its workforce and partners to produce protective covers and blouses, which will be sent out to health organizations after being approved for safety regulations by the French authorities. Joining the likes of Prada, Saint Laurent and others to address the global shortage of proactive equipment, Chanel also announced it would not be making any employee cutbacks during this pandemic.

Stay tuned for more information as it comes:


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