
#AtHome with PAUSE: Tips on Minimalism with @ssun.1o

Continuing our #AtHome With PAUSE feature, we speak to Christian Bofini, the man behind the Instagram account @ssun.1o. Highlighting the beauty of nature alongside his clean outfits, we found out more about his minimal style, at home set-up and favourite songs. See the exclusive feature below:

Who inspires you?

I’ve always been inspired by Michael Jordan, whether it’s in basketball or in fashion. In basketball, because I always wanted to exceed my limits, I played basketball for six years and I really enjoyed it. He inspires me in fashion because we have the same height and he used to wear oversized clothes.

Tell us what runs through your mind when you’re about to be creative?

I am someone who thinks constantly and as soon as I have something in mind I want to try it right away. It can be an assembly of clothes to create a look or some ideas to create and design outfits that could match well with another.

When did you first decide to start dressing minimal and why?

When I bought my first luxury pair of shoes (Balenciaga triple s). That’s when I realized that I didn’t wear them very often because I like changing looks every day. So I realised that it wasn’t very rational to buy expensive brands just to wear them very rarely. That’s when I started to wear inexpensive, vintage clothes and I thought it suited my character better. I continued it to prove to people that we can dress well in cheap clothes (it’s about art).

Describe your style in 3 words?

Modest, Casual, Creative.

What’s the key to dressing minimal?

The key is to wear something simple with light colours (avoid wearing strong colours).

What are your main essential pieces of clothing to wear throughout the week?

I have favourite pants that I wear very often and they can match with basically all my clothes. A simple one-coloured t-shirt and a light jacket.

What are your top 5 essentials whilst at home?


New Balance

MacBook pro


My Westbrook pop figurine (I lost my MJ figurine).

Best quarantine Netflix watch so far?

The Last Dance.

5 songs your currently listening to?

Dax – She Cheated again,

Movin’ – Bazanji

Pretty Little Fears – 6LACK

Needs -ELHAE

Come Clean – Anfa Rose.

3 key tips for keeping active at home?

Create anything (art, drawing, painting etc.), learn (self-improvement is important) and sport.

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