
Reebok Announce Kerby-Jean Raymond as Vice President of Creative Direction

By October 1, 2020Fashion News

Kerby x Reebok Level Up.

One of the more exciting footwear announcements of recent times, acclaimed designer, founder of Pyer Moss and all-round creative maven Kerby Jean-Raymond was recently unveiled as the Vice President of Creative Direction at Reebok.

Having worked with the American label on a collaborative partnership basis for the past four years on their Reebok by Pyer Moss offerings, the duo’s relationship has reached the next level with Kerby now set to imprint his innovative approach across the apparel giant’s entire product range. Speaking on the news, Jean-Raymond commented;

“I am thrilled to be evolving my role at Reebok and joining the leadership team as the head of Creative Direction, I welcome this opportunity to help invigorate the brand with new ideas, while also focusing on instilling a sense of social purpose into our work.”

Thoughts? With the first products under Kerby Jean-Raymond’s creative direction set to release in 2022, stay tuned for more.

PHOTO CREDIT: @kerbito/Aqib Anwar

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