
SSENSE Magazine Debut AW21′ Issue Starring Pharrell Williams

By September 16, 2021Fashion News

Pharrell Talks to SSENSE.

Serving up an expectedly sartorially standout series of looks for the accompanying editorial, Pharrell Williams sat down with fashion giant SSENSE recently to discuss “rituals, visions, and faiths.

Touching base on the aforementioned topics alongside the more comparatively mundane such as his Human Race brand, growing up and more – follow the link below to check out the interview in full.

“Like, everything was gonna change when the internet was born. And within that place it allowed people to be who they really wanted to be; that they couldn’t be offline. People are able to assume any personality and there are no rules. So, it’s how they really, truly spiritually identify. This is what people inherently feel from the bottom of their hearts. It’s where their spirits are at. It’s where their spirit really is.”



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