
Brochure Design Ideas That Any Industry Can Follow

By January 1, 2022Guest Post

When designing a brochure for an industry, you need to know that industry inside and out. If you’re not familiar with your client’s business or industry, then you’ll want to invest the time to do the proper research before starting on design projects. You can’t hope to put together a creative piece of marketing collateral if you don’t understand the basics about what it is they do.

Brochures are used in a number of different industries and purposes. Some examples include life insurance companies sending out information about new laws designed to help protect consumers from being taken advantage of by companies who have intentionally planned scandals just so they could receive more income from those they insure; medical practices looking to offer preventative treatments as well as maintaining good health; or even a car company looking to let potential buyers know about the best ways to maintain and care for their product. No matter what industry you may be designing for, listed below are some useful brochure design ideas that any industry can follow:

Establish Your Company’s Voice and Personality In Your Brochure Design Templates

One of the biggest mistakes that companies make when creating a new marketing piece, such as a brochure, is that they fail to establish their company’s voice and personality. They put together content without giving much thought as to how it will affect their target audience (customers).

Your clients will often come to you with copies written by other sources. It’s important that your client understands what they’ve given you is simply a guide used for content. The words that you choose to use will affect how clients view your company. You should also remember that what you say in this piece of collateral could be used against your business if a court case ever arose.

Put Your Most Important Content in a Brochure Design Online

You may notice many different types of brochures available today, but one thing is always consistent: the important content is placed towards the front of the document online. Clients are quick to judge how valuable content is by looking at where it’s positioned about other pieces of information. Pay attention to where key elements are located, such as logos or images, because placing something too far down or not including it all can confuse with readers and lead them astray.

Be Consistent With Graphic Design and Layout For Creative Brochure Design

Most of the time, companies that present content in a consistent manner tend to be more successful than those that don’t. This isn’t just true for brochures but also applies to other marketing materials as well as the website you’ve designed for your clients. People like seeing styles and elements used throughout all facets of their company’s branding because it makes them feel secure knowing they will be treated the same regardless of where they interact with their brand.

This doesn’t mean that you’re stuck using one specific format over and over again, but rather that you should choose a design style or set of colors that match what you were initially looking to accomplish your branding efforts. Once you’ve established this for your company, stick with it and never stray too far from the plan. If you do change, be sure to have a reason why!


Make Sure Information is Readily Available For Your Brochure Ideas Design

Including information in every piece of copy is just standard practice when designing a brochure for any industry. The front cover should always contain the name of your business or company as well as a logo or slogan. It will also likely include important information about who you are, such as phone number(s), address(es), and maybe even an email address where clients can direct their concerns or messages if something arises that they need help with. In addition to this, back covers should typically list prices or benefits that readers can take advantage of if they decide to make a purchase or sign up for your product or service. This is also where many companies will include the most minute of details, such as what you do and how you’re able to help people who are interested in doing business with you.

Use Images that Tell a Story In A Modern Brochure Design

Using images is one of the best ways to grab readers’ attention (if used correctly). You should always place an image near keywords so it catches readers’ eyes when they scan through information on your brochure. When choosing images, remember that plain photographs often don’t offer much value compared to those that incorporate graphic elements within them. These can be anything from symbols, shapes, or even diagrams if your client’s industry calls for it!

Venngage offers a wide selection of brochure design ideas that will surely fit all your needs. Be sure to check it out!


To create a brochure that will be an effective marketing tool, you need to keep in mind the most important aspects. You’ll want a design that’s attractive and eye-catching without being too flashy or busy. A good rule of thumb is to use one color on your page background with at least two contrasting colors for your text, graphics, and photographs. This way, even if people only glance at your brochure they can still understand what it’s about.

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