
8 Tips to Help You Spend Less Time on Getting Dressed

By July 1, 2022Guest Post

If you’re not a morning person, then you know the struggle of getting out of bed and getting ready for the day ahead. Perhaps you’d much rather get a few more minutes of sleep than spend the time choosing what to wear. However, you need to put some effort into making yourself look presentable. And although it feels like a chore to pick out garments in your closet, your outfit of the day can influence the way you perceive yourself.

When you create a look that encapsulates your style and personality, you’ll gain the confidence to take on the day with your head held high. Assembling the perfect look, however, can get tricky when there are a lot of options to choose from. For example, if you love to shop leggings in different colors, this gives you a near-endless number of outfit combinations. While this is a great way to ensure that your look is always fresh, there will be busy days when a simpler decision process is just what you need. Fortunately, you can create a strategy to make your morning routine a little bit easier. Here are eight tips that could help you spend less time getting dressed for your day-to-day needs or special events.

Organize Your Wardrobe

Working with a messy closet makes things a hundred times more difficult because you have to dig deep in order to find the perfect pieces for your outfit. That’s why the first thing you want to do is to reorganize your closet. Closet organization is a key factor in keeping things fast and efficient. When everything in your wardrobe is properly stored, you know where things are and can easily grab anything you need, whether it’s a white tank top or a pink plaid skirt.

You have to consider these three things when organizing your closet:

  • Your lifestyle
  • Your weekly schedule
  • The current season

This way, you can neatly store your clothing according to the weather, activity, or occasion. It’s also a good idea to invest in containers and storage boxes where you can safely place your accessories, jewelry, and clothing used only in certain seasons or special occasions so that you can devote your closet space to everyday staples.

Plan The Night Before

One of the most popular hacks to help you spend less time dressing up is to plan your outfit the night before. Gathering your clothes and preparing them for the next day spares you from waking up early and frantically rummaging through your closet. Once you’ve chosen the pieces, you can place them on a chair or shelf apart from the rest of your wardrobe. This way, you’ll immediately see your outfit the moment you wake up.

If you’re preparing for a special event like a party, you can prepare your outfit a few days before the celebration. This gives you more time to coordinate your look as well as add finishing touches like accessories and new shoes.

Create A Signature Style

If you already know the types of clothing you love to wear, then you’ll have an easy time creating a signature look. Having a signature look means that you already have a list of go-to clothing items to pick from. This way, you can quickly grab your favorite garments, saving you a lot of time when dressing up. Plus, flaunting your signature style is a great way to express your creativity and make you look distinct in a crowd.

Put On A Dress

Having a few dresses in your closet will definitely help you save time when dressing up. Dresses are easier and faster to put on since they’re one-piece garments. Some designs also allow you to skip having to deal with buttons and zippers since you can simply slip inside the garment. What’s more, you can easily turn a plain dress into a show-stopping piece with a few choice accessories and the right footwear.

Work with Layers

Wearing the same items of clothing is a great way to reduce the time it takes to get dressed. After a while, however, you might begin to feel like your outfits are starting to look boring. If you think that your clothes are losing their flair, don’t buy new garments just yet. Take a look at your closet and see if you have any items you can layer on to add some spice to your look.

Items like jackets, sweaters, scarves, vests, and blazers don’t only keep you warm. They can also turn plain outfits into statement pieces if you mix and match them right. For example, if you want to give your bodycon dress a more formal touch, put on a blazer for that clean and structured look. If you own a sheer cardigan, you can turn any summer look into a comfy casual ensemble.

Make A Personal Lookbook

Creating different outfits on the fly can be a complicated process, so a great way to avoid stressing yourself out is to make a personal lookbook. If you have photos of yourself wearing your favorite looks, compile them in a document and write down the things that you loved about each outfit. This way, you can take some inspiration from your past looks to fuel your creativity when forming new ones.

Download Fashion and Style Apps

With the help of fashion and style apps, you can plan your outfits anytime, anywhere. These are perfect for when you have a busy week ahead and don’t have the time to explore your closet. These apps can show you outfits other users have created to inspire you with new looks and combinations using what you already own. They can also keep you posted on the latest fashion trends and keep your closet up to date.

Downsize Your Wardrobe

Sometimes, when you own a lot of articles of clothing, dressing up can overwhelm you. With so many garments to choose from, trying on all the possible outfits you’ve imagined will eat up a huge chunk of your time. To help reduce your dressing time, you can downsize your wardrobe. Keeping a limited selection of interchangeable clothing will make it easier for you to come up with outfits in a short amount of time. However, to ensure that your looks are cohesive, you need to make sure that the items in your capsule wardrobe complement each other. This way, you can mix and match your clothes to create a new look each time. It’s also a good idea to throw different accessories into the mix to liven up your outfits.

Aside from helping you get dressed in less time, downsizing your wardrobe will also allow you to get rid of clothing you no longer need or want. It’ll also free up a lot of space in your closet, so you can focus on pieces that you love and add new ones that better fit into your capsule wardrobe.

Getting ready for the day—or for any event—can be dreadful, especially when you have to spend a lot of time deciding what to wear. With the help of the aforementioned tips, however, you can reduce the amount of time you spend picking from your wardrobe and still look stunning when you head out the door.

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