
How Should You Store Luxury Jewellery at Home?

By October 15, 2022Guest Post

While we own and wear luxury jewellery for different reasons, it’s always important to keep it safe. Whether you’ve inherited a special piece from your family, or you own an entire collection, the sentimental and monetary value of your jewellery can make it irreplaceable.

Below, we’ve outlined some of the best ways to proactively look after your jewellery and keep it safely stored at home, away from prying eyes and accidental damage.

The right environment

Jewellery should be stored at room temperature and out of direct sunlight.

Humidity can lead to discolouration or tarnishing, so it’s sensible to choose a dry location away from any source of water or damp. If you’re worried about moisture through the colder months, it’s possible to keep the air dry with a dehumidifier, offering an extra layer of safety.

However, it’s important to note that some types of precious stone require moisture to prevent cracking, including opal and cameos.

Secure your home

Keeping your belongings safe starts outside your house, so it’s always worth investing in an effective security system. Whether you opt for CCTV cameras, a smart burglar alarm system or even an additional gate, ramping up the security is an excellent preventative measure.

However, increasing your home security comes at a cost. As long as you keep your doors securely locked, obtaining jewellery insurance could help to give you peace of mind.

Store items separately

Gemstones rank differently on the Mohs hardness scale, meaning that some are softer than others and therefore more susceptible to scratches.

Diamonds are the hardest gemstone – and they’re capable of damaging any other stone in your collection. To keep your jewellery looking pristine, you should store it securely in separate trays, bags or specialist storage solutions.

Keep your jewellery out of sight

You’ll want to consider ways to keep your valuables away from onlookers.

For example, if you usually keep your jewellery on a stand in your bedroom, make sure that any prying eyes wouldn’t be able to see it through the window. It’s also worth positioning any mirrors away from your jewellery to be certain that it can’t be spotted in a reflection, either.

Your most expensive belongings could be kept in lockable velvet-lined drawers, a purpose-built jewellery safe, or even your own secret hiding place.

Keep it clean

Lastly, whether you’re wearing, storing or maintaining your jewellery, it’s crucial to keep it in a clean place.

This rule particularly applies to costume, silver and gold jewellery, but makes a good habit to adopt for all of your pieces. Furthermore, it’s always helpful to keep your jewellery organised – you’ll find it much easier to find, wear and clean if you know where to find it.

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