
Vetements and MatchesFashion Host A High-Fashion Garage Sale in Seoul

By October 17, 2016Fashion News

This isn’t no ordinary garage sale.


Vetements is the fashion brand on everyone’s lips right now. Whether you love it or you hate it, you can’t deny the commotion that they have caused to the fashion scene. After weeks of Anticipation, Vetements and MatchesFashion released the secret location of their garage sale (Northwest outskirts of Seoul) where they released their capsule collection “Official Fake”. The location for the garage sale was suitably in a warehouse, which exposes the brands underground past and fits in with their anti-fashion motif. The capsule collection is sprightly named as a response to the influx of replica Vetements that is currently flooding the Korean market, so, why not capitalise on that? The garage sale is home to pieces from Vetements’ Spring 2015 through Fall 2016 collections that have been tailored specifically for the Korean market, where they’re being sold, such as the Lighter Heel Boot and Vetements Reeboks. In true Vetements style prices range from £1071 to £45, that’s fashion for you.

What do you guys think about Vetements as a brand? Let us know!





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