
Diesel Introduces Its New Spring Campaign, BE A FOLLOWER

By February 4, 2019Fashion News

Viewing social media through a different lens.

The Italian retail clothing company that is Diesel recently came out swinging with their new Spring campaign in which the label looks to flip the traditional view of social media, and the influencers on it, on its head.

As for how they have done this, Diesel aimed to point out some of the downsides of being a social media influencer in a tongue in cheek way. The reason being that the brand firmly believes that the followers are the ones who ultimately have the power, and amid the ironic scenes that they have created with the likes of Jennifer Grace, Kristen Crawley, the AMIAYA twins, Elias Riadi and Bloody Osiris, you can find comical versions of the message.

For example, in one scene you can see how influencers take a little while when it comes to undressing, a great reason that when you get down to it, being a follower is what’s best. Watch the rest of the campaign videos below.

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