For our #PAUSECreatives series, we talk footwear designer @junior.clint who details how he started making shoes, the impact of social media and gives advice for aspiring designers. See the exclusive interview below:

Tell us who you are and what you do?
My name is Junior Clint and i’m a footwear designer.
How did you first get into designing?

Where did you learn the skills to design footwear?
I developed my skills from doing research on the internet and books.
What/who inspires your design process?
You’ve created your own footwear brand, what inspired you to take it to the next level?
Initially, I started out making 1of1 apparel pieces but felt that the industry didn’t need another aspiring clothing company. Also, I didn’t feel I could add anything that hadn’t already been done at the time so I aspired to start my own footwear Project.

Tell us about your favourite sneaker design and why?
Bapestas – Though they are a mirrored reference of the Airforce 1. Nigo managed to tell his own narrative and the shoe sits in it own space.
Describe what goes through your mind when your designing in one word?
You collaborated with Novesta, how did this collaboration come about?
My first shoe concept featured a novesta sole unit, the shoe was featured on several blogs (incl. Pause Mag) that was picked up by the Slovakian company and the relationship form from there.

How has social media impacted the way you design?
In the world of social media, the pressure designers face to be consistently engaged in the rat race is huge. For Clints, I try to go against the algorithm and remain patient with the process whilst updating people the best I can so that the quality is not compromised by speed. Whilst theres not been any influence to the design of the product, I’m aware that its imperative to adapt by the way I push the product so that we have our own place/identity in the marketplace.