
HUB Footwear film explores London’s ultimate hub: the Tube

By September 30, 2014Fashion News

HUB takes us on an interesting tube ride.


Most of us take the London Underground Tube almost everyday. We see the good, the bad and the fair share of the weird ones. It can get really stuffy, the crowd, the rush and of course the absolute mayhem during peak times. There are many kind’s of people you see while taking your daily tube ride, the eccentric ones, the stylish one and yes even the hot good looking one that you have been staring at across you.

Imagine being able to just randomly strike a conversation with a person you barely know on the tube and just pretty much get to know him or her. Well Dutch footwear brand HUB has launched a new documentary to explore just that to coincide with their newly launched Autumn/Winter 2014 collection.

Their latest documentary titled ‘RAPID-TRANSIT’ is the latest in their “The City Comes Alive” documentary series, which can now be watched on their site.

In ‘Rapid Transit’, HUB engaged French filmmaker Jeremy Angelier to dives into the London Underground searching for hidden stories while being in the tube for eighteen hours which already is quite an exhausting feat. He starts spontaneous conversations with strangers, making friends with almost anybody, even the wonderful eccentrics and weirdoes that you must admit can sometimes make a boring tube ride just a little more interesting.

Check out the cool video below and check out their The Autumn/Winter 2014 collection is in stores now and available on

Words: Ievan Darwin

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