
adidas Tubular Defiant “Black”

By November 8, 2015Fashion News, Sneakers

Here is the amazing schedule for the Spring/Summer 2017 shows in London.


Friday, June 10, 2016
12:00 GMT / 7:00am EST – Topman Design
12:30 GMT / 7:30am EST – LCM Opening Event
13:00 GMT / 8:00am EST – Barbour
13:30 GMT / 8:30am EST – Phoebe English Man
14:00 GMT / 9:00am EST – Xander Zhou
14:30 – 17:00 GMT / 9:30 – 12:00am EST – Cottweiler
15:00 GMT / 10:00am EST – MAN
15:30 – 17:30 GMT / 10:00 – 12:30am EST – Universal Works
16:00 GMT / 11:00am EST – Bobby Abley
16:30 – 18:30 GMT / 11:30 – 1:30pm EST – Nigel Cabourn
17:00 GMT / 12:00am EST – Craig Green
17:30 – 19:30 GMT / 12:30 – 2:30pm EST – Private White V.C.
19:00 – 20:30 GMT / 2:00 – 3:30pm EST – Astrid Andersen
19:30 – 21:00 GMT / 2:30 – 4:00pm EST – CMMN SWDN


Saturday, June 11, 2016
9:00 – 11:00 GMT / 4:00 – 6:00am EST – Mackintosh
10:00 GMT / 5:00am EST – Agi & Sam
10:30 – 12:30 GMT / 5:30 – 7:30am EST – Berthold
11:00 GMT / 6:00am EST – Jermyn Street, St James’s
11:30 GMT / 6:30am EST – Nasir Mazhar
12:00 GMT / 7:00am EST – MCM X Christopher Raeburn
12:30 – 14:30 GMT / 7:30 – 9:30am EST – Hardy Amies
13:00 GMT / 8:00am EST – Tiger of Sweden
13:30 – 15:30 GMT / 8:30 – 10:30am EST – Fashion East Men’s Presentations
14:00 GMT / 9:00am EST – YMC
14:30 – 16:30 GMT / 9:30 – 11:30am EST – Qasimi SS17: Videogame Wars
15:00 GMT / 10:00am EST – Lou Dalton
16:00 GMT / 11:00am EST – Oliver Spencer
17:00 GMT / 12:00am EST – Casely-Hayford
18:00 GMT / 1:00pm EST – Cottweiler
18:30 – 20:30 GMT / 1:30 – 3:30pm EST – Thomas Pink
19:00 GMT / 2:00am EST – Matthew Miller
19:30 GMT / 2:30pm EST – Alex Mullins


Sunday, June 12, 2016
10:00 GMT / 5:00am EST – J.W.Anderson
10:30 – 12:30 GMT / 5:30 – 7:30am EST – Richard James
11:00 GMT / 6:00am EST – Margaret Howell
11:00 – 14:00 GMT / 6:00 – 9:00am EST – Joseph
11:30 – 13:30 GMT / 6:30 – 8:30am EST – Belstaff
12:00 GMT / 7:00am EST – Christopher Shannon
12:30 – 14:30 GMT / 7:30 – 9:30am EST – Turnbull & Asser
13:00 GMT / 8:00am EST – Wales Bonner
13:30 – 15:30 GMT / 8:30 – 10:30am EST – Pieter
14:00 GMT / 9:00am EST – Christopher Raeburn
14:30 – 16:30 GMT / 9:30 – 11:30am EST – Chester Barrie
15:00 GMT / 10:00am EST – Gieves & Hawkes
16:00 GMT / 11:00am EST – XIMONLEE presented by GQ CHINA
17:00 GMT / 12:00am EST – KTZ
18:00 GMT / 1:00pm EST – Sibling


Monday, June 13, 2016
9:30 – 13:30 GMT / 4:30 – 8:30am EST – Several
10:00 GMT / 5:00am EST – E. Tautz
10:00 – 14:00 GMT / 5:00 – 9:00am EST – John Smedley
10:30 – 12:30 GMT / 5:30 – 7:30am EST – Kiko Kostadinov
11:00 GMT / 6:00am EST – Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO
12:00 – 17:00 GMT / 7:00 – 12:00pm EST – Christopher Kane
12:00 GMT / 7:00am EST – Katie Eary
13:00 GMT / 8:00am EST – Coach
14:00 GMT / 9:00am EST – Liam Hodges
14:00 – 16:00 GMT / 9:00 – 11:00am EST – Thom Sweeney
15:00 – 16:30 GMT / 10:00 – 11:30am EST – Tourne de Transmission
16:00 GMT / 11:00am EST – SONGZIO

Farida questions genders in Fall/Winter 2016 lookbook


Over the past few years, the concepts of gender neutrality, fluidity and duality have been used, reused, misused and overused, leading the fashion sphere to wonder whether those ideas still made sense or not.

The case of Imran Malik’s Farida, a London-based clothing label, questions the concept of duality through the lens of soft fabrics (silk and cashmere pieces play the most important part of the Autumn/Winter 2016 lookbook) and pioneer cuts. While dynamic colours blend with soft designs, the “Duality” lookbook contrastingly strikes with the pastel palette of the last Spring/Summer 2016 collection. Click here to check Farida’s shop and collections.




H&M x Balmain causes mayhem.


The storm is over. The endless lines have dissolved, the clothes have been ripped off the hangers, the bank accounts and the nervous systems have been shattered. The Balmain x H&M took place yesterday, leaving one half of the shoppers bitter sweet and the other, well, just plain bitter. But now when the whole hysteria is subsidizing (or has moved to the virtual world of eBay, as we discuss later), we can finally sit down and talk about the whole thing like adults.

Let’s start with those lines, shall we? People started queueing for the anticipated collection the night before (3 days before in Singapore, earning them the price for the most, how can we phrase it better, keen?). This made for a rare opportunity to witness someone dressed in branded hoodies and sneakers sitting on the checked blanket just off the Regents street. Seduced by the extensive social media campaign involving models Kendall Jenner, Gigi Handid and Jourdan Dunn, the shoppers were impatiently waiting for the shop doors to reveal the subject of their longing. “We came 11 hours in advance”, shares Yaroslava Kurbatova, who went to the H&M branch at Oxford Circus. “It was horrible”, remembers Alina Portnova, who was in the same queue. “We waited the whole night, and there wasn’t even any security in the store! Then they let us in for 10 minutes, everyone was kicking each other, arguing”. Bradley Gudger experienced the same level of concern. “It was my first time shopping for the H&M collaboration – normally I get my friends to shop for me”, says Bradley. “I shopped at the Oxford Circus H&M – I felt the queueing system was badly organised, very little instruction about opening times, item restrictions and stock. There was very little security available to manage it”.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The aggressive behaviour and the lack of control over the situation, despite the presence of the police, is extremely worrying. The pictures all over the web, depicting happy shoppers who managed to snap a successful buy, are mixed with the videos of fights in the changing rooms and chaos on the shopping floor. No wonder the comment sections are raging with oligations like “animals” or “crazy people”.

balmain-madness-london-1-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720 balmain-madness-london-2-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720

But it is important to look at the bright side too, which always exists, even in this couture infused mess. The collaboration proved as successful or even more (it is pretty difficult to tell, since H&M representatives refuse to reveal any official figures) than the previous ones. The whole range was sold just in a couple of hours, and of course, it is not a real party if the website does not crash (which it did). For a brand who was on the verge of bankruptcy just some five years ago, this demand is really good news, and a testament to Olivier Rousteing’s talent. “I went to the H&M Balmain because I loved the design of the clothes. The exclusivity of the brand for the affordable prices was also a big selling point for me”, says Bradley. Moreover, the lucky shoppers did manage to snap the desired pieces for a quarter of the original Balmain three figures price. Some happy souls even managed to find humour in the whole situation. “I was with my friends, so it was fun. It will be a fun thing to remember”, says Alina. “I bought a dress, two T-shirts, a belt and trousers. I really wanted the trousers, so it was worth it for me”. What goes around, comes around: no one held back from sharing (read: bragging) their purchases on the social media.


But things get tricky again. The more entrepreneur spirited individuals rushed down to eBay, to resell the pieces for the triple of the price than in the store. For example, the £119.99 green sequin embroidered dress is going down for £330 with 41 bids already placed. Other smart fellows were cocky enough to resell the items on the streets, cash first. And of course with the 200% service charge. This proves utterly befuddling, considering the eBay prices now near; match, or in some cases exceed the Balmain’s own high figures.


Therefore, here comes the conclusion: even though you (just like all of us) really want to look like the models from the Olivier Rousteing’s Instagram, skip browsing on eBay and go to the gym. And when you come back, head straight to Mr Porter. Trust us, authentic Balmain will not disappoint.

H&M x Balmain causes mayhem.


The storm is over. The endless lines have dissolved, the clothes have been ripped off the hangers, the bank accounts and the nervous systems have been shattered. The Balmain x H&M took place yesterday, leaving one half of the shoppers bitter sweet and the other, well, just plain bitter. But now when the whole hysteria is subsidizing (or has moved to the virtual world of eBay, as we discuss later), we can finally sit down and talk about the whole thing like adults.

Let’s start with those lines, shall we? People started queueing for the anticipated collection the night before (3 days before in Singapore, earning them the price for the most, how can we phrase it better, keen?). This made for a rare opportunity to witness someone dressed in branded hoodies and sneakers sitting on the checked blanket just off the Regents street. Seduced by the extensive social media campaign involving models Kendal Jenner, Gigi Handid and Jourdan Dunn, the shoppers were impatiently waiting for the shop doors to reveal the subject of their longing. “We came 11 hours in advance”, shares Yaroslava Kurbatova, who went to the H&M branch at Oxford Circus. “It was horrible”, remembers Alina Portnova, who was in the same queue. “We waited the whole night, and there wasn’t even any security in the store! Then they let us in for 10 minutes, everyone was kicking each other, arguing”. Bradley Gudger experienced the same level of concern. “It was my first time shopping for the H&M collaboration – normally I get my friends to shop for me”, says Bradley. “I shopped at the Oxford Circus H&M – I felt the queuing system was badly organised, very little instruction about opening times, item restrictions and stock. There was very little security available to manage it”.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The aggressive behaviour and the lack of control over the situation, despite the presence of the police, is extremely worrying. The pictures all over the web, depicting happy shoppers who managed to snap a successful buy, are mixed with the videos of fights in the changing rooms and chaos on the shopping floor. No wonder the comment sections are raging with oligations like “animals” or “crazy people”.

balmain-madness-london-1-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720 balmain-madness-london-2-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720

But it is important to look at the bright side too, which always exists, even in this couture infused mess. The collaboration proved as successful or even more (it is pretty difficult to tell, since H&M representatives refuse to reveal any official figures) than the previous ones. The whole range was sold just in a couple of hours, and of course, it is not a real party if the website did not crash (which it did). For a brand who was on the verge of bankruptcy just some five years ago, this demand is really good news, and a testament to Olivier Rousteing’s talent. “I went to the H&M Balmain because I loved the design of the clothes. The exclusivity of the brand for the affordable prices was also a big selling point for me”, says Bradley. Moreover, the lucky shoppers did manage to snap the desired pieces for a quarter of the original Balmain three figure price. Some happy souls even managed to find humour in the whole situation. “I was with my friends, so it was fun. It will be a fun thing to remember”, says Alina. “I bought a dress, two T-shirts, a belt and trousers. I really wanted the trousers, so it was worth it for me”. What goes around, comes around: no one held back from sharing (read: bragging) their purchases on the social media.


But things get tricky again. The more entrepreneur spirited individuals rushed down to eBay, to resell the pieces for the triple of the price than in the store. For example, the 119.99 green sequin embroidered dress is going down for 330 with 41 bids already placed. Other smart fellows were cocky enough to resell the items on the streets, cash first. And of course with the 200% service charge. This proves utterly befuddling, considering the eBay prices now pretty much match, or in some cases exceed the Balmain’s own high figures.


Therefore, here comes the conclusion: even though you really want to look like the models from the Olivier Rousteing Instagram, skip browsing on eBay and go to the gym. And when you come back, head straight to Mr Porter. Trust us, authentic Balmain will not disappoint.

H&M x Balmain causes mayhem.


The storm is over. The endless lines have dissolved, the clothes have been ripped off the hangers, the bank accounts and the nervous systems have been shattered. The Balmain x H&M took place yesterday, leaving one half of the shoppers bitter sweet and the other, well, just plain bitter. But now when the whole hysteria is subsidizing (or has moved to the virtual world of eBay, as we discuss later), we can finally sit down and talk about the whole thing like adults.

Let’s start with those lines, shall we? People started queueing for the anticipated collection the night before (3 days before in Singapore, earning them the price for the most, how can we phrase it better, keen?). This made for a rare opportunity to witness someone dressed in branded hoodies and sneakers sitting on the checked blanket just off the Regents street. Seduced by the extensive social media campaign involving models Kendal Jenner, Gigi Handid and Jourdan Dunn, the shoppers were impatiently waiting for the shop doors to reveal the subject of their longing. “We came 11 hours in advance”, shares Yaroslava Kurbatova, who went to the H&M branch at Oxford Circus. “It was horrible”, remembers Alina Portnova, who was in the same queue. “We waited the whole night, and there wasn’t even any security in the store! Then they let us in for 10 minutes, everyone was kicking each other, arguing”. Bradley Gudger experienced the same level of concern. “It was my first time shopping for the H&M collaboration – normally I get my friends to shop for me”, says Bradley. “I shopped at the Oxford Circus H&M – I felt the queueing system was badly organised, very little instruction about opening times, item restrictions and stock. There was very little security available to manage it”.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The aggressive behaviour and the lack of control over the situation, despite the presence of the police, is extremely worrying. The pictures all over the web, depicting happy shoppers who managed to snap a successful buy, are mixed with the videos of fights in the changing rooms and chaos on the shopping floor. No wonder the comment sections are raging with oligations like “animals” or “crazy people”.

balmain-madness-london-1-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720 balmain-madness-london-2-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720

But it is important to look at the bright side too, which always exists, even in this couture infused mess. The collaboration proved as successful or even more (it is pretty difficult to tell, since H&M representatives refuse to reveal any official figures) than the previous ones. The whole range was sold just in a couple of hours, and of course, it is not a real party if the website does not crash (which it did). For a brand who was on the verge of bankruptcy just some five years ago, this demand is really good news, and a testament to Olivier Rousteing’s talent. “I went to the H&M Balmain because I loved the design of the clothes. The exclusivity of the brand for the affordable prices was also a big selling point for me”, says Bradley. Moreover, the lucky shoppers did manage to snap the desired pieces for a quarter of the original Balmain three figures price. Some happy souls even managed to find humour in the whole situation. “I was with my friends, so it was fun. It will be a fun thing to remember”, says Alina. “I bought a dress, two T-shirts, a belt and trousers. I really wanted the trousers, so it was worth it for me”. What goes around, comes around: no one held back from sharing (read: bragging) their purchases on the social media.


But things get tricky again. The more entrepreneur spirited individuals rushed down to eBay, to resell the pieces for the triple of the price than in the store. For example, the £119.99 green sequin embroidered dress is going down for £330 with 41 bids already placed. Other smart fellows were cocky enough to resell the items on the streets, cash first. And of course with the 200% service charge. This proves utterly befuddling, considering the eBay prices now pretty much match, or in some cases exceed the Balmain’s own high figures.


Therefore, here comes the conclusion: even though you (just like all of us) really want to look like the models from the Olivier Rousteing Instagram, skip browsing on eBay and go to the gym. And when you come back, head straight to Mr Porter. Trust us, authentic Balmain will not disappoint.

H&M x Balmain causes mayhem.


The storm is over. The endless lines have dissolved, the clothes have been ripped off the hangers, the bank accounts and the nervous systems have been shattered. The Balmain x H&M took place yesterday, leaving one half of the shoppers bitter sweet and the other, well, just plain bitter. But now when the whole hysteria is subsidizing (or has moved to the virtual world of eBay, as we discuss later), we can finally sit down and talk about the whole thing like adults.

Let’s start with those lines, shall we? People started queueing for the anticipated collection the night before (3 days before in Singapore, earning them the price for the most, how can we phrase it better, keen?). This made for a rare opportunity to witness someone dressed in branded hoodies and sneakers sitting on the checked blanket just off the Regents street. Seduced by the extensive social media campaign involving models Kendall Jenner, Gigi Handid and Jourdan Dunn, the shoppers were impatiently waiting for the shop doors to reveal the subject of their longing. “We came 11 hours in advance”, shares Yaroslava Kurbatova, who went to the H&M branch at Oxford Circus. “It was horrible”, remembers Alina Portnova, who was in the same queue. “We waited the whole night, and there wasn’t even any security in the store! Then they let us in for 10 minutes, everyone was kicking each other, arguing”. Bradley Gudger experienced the same level of concern. “It was my first time shopping for the H&M collaboration – normally I get my friends to shop for me”, says Bradley. “I shopped at the Oxford Circus H&M – I felt the queueing system was badly organised, very little instruction about opening times, item restrictions and stock. There was very little security available to manage it”.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The aggressive behaviour and the lack of control over the situation, despite the presence of the police, is extremely worrying. The pictures all over the web, depicting happy shoppers who managed to snap a successful buy, are mixed with the videos of fights in the changing rooms and chaos on the shopping floor. No wonder the comment sections are raging with oligations like “animals” or “crazy people”.

balmain-madness-london-1-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720 balmain-madness-london-2-6nov15-rex_b_1080x720

But it is important to look at the bright side too, which always exists, even in this couture infused mess. The collaboration proved as successful or even more (it is pretty difficult to tell, since H&M representatives refuse to reveal any official figures) than the previous ones. The whole range was sold just in a couple of hours, and of course, it is not a real party if the website does not crash (which it did). For a brand who was on the verge of bankruptcy just some five years ago, this demand is really good news, and a testament to Olivier Rousteing’s talent. “I went to the H&M Balmain because I loved the design of the clothes. The exclusivity of the brand for the affordable prices was also a big selling point for me”, says Bradley. Moreover, the lucky shoppers did manage to snap the desired pieces for a quarter of the original Balmain three figures price. Some happy souls even managed to find humour in the whole situation. “I was with my friends, so it was fun. It will be a fun thing to remember”, says Alina. “I bought a dress, two T-shirts, a belt and trousers. I really wanted the trousers, so it was worth it for me”. What goes around, comes around: no one held back from sharing (read: bragging) their purchases on the social media.


But things get tricky again. The more entrepreneur spirited individuals rushed down to eBay, to resell the pieces for the triple of the price than in the store. For example, the £119.99 green sequin embroidered dress is going down for £330 with 41 bids already placed. Other smart fellows were cocky enough to resell the items on the streets, cash first. And of course with the 200% service charge. This proves utterly befuddling, considering the eBay prices now nearly match, or in some cases exceed the Balmain’s own high figures.


Therefore, here comes the conclusion: even though you (just like all of us) really want to look like the models from the Olivier Rousteing’s Instagram, skip browsing on eBay and go to the gym. And when you come back, head straight to Mr Porter. Trust us, authentic Balmain will not disappoint.

Adidas tubular goes all black.



Adidas has unveiled another Tubular silhouette: since its release the design has been a hit, being compared to YEEZY and Y-3 collections. This time, the brand takes a step forward, slimming the outsole and covering the sneaker in an all-black fabrics, implying also a textural differentiation with some snakeskin upon its heel.

The sneaker will be available soon at adidas online.

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