
Brand Watch: Wreck London Clothing

By September 12, 2013Culture, Fashion News


Born in London, Wreck London is delivering street wear at a luxury standard. Wreck London has been around since summer 2012, however it is not until now that they have delivered their first full collection titled “New Us”. The brand owner, at just sixteen, has created a unique style for the brand, something which is becoming harder to find in the street wear industry. George says that the brand was “something for fun, I made stuff for myself and then just expanded it.”

The collection prides itself on not conforming to traditional screen print, but being more adventurous with materials, for example the use of leather with their garments. Wreck London have also created some very unique white custom fit oversized t-shirts for their new collection, which are definitely statement items however simple they may be. Other items from the collection consist of bold sublimation prints and also their latest ‘WreckX72’ t-shirt. The collection has been inspired by brands that George likes himself, “We like a lot of bold brands ourselves like Black Scale, HBA and F.I.A.. Ideas just came to us. We only make clothing that we would wear.”

Not only have the brand paid attention to detail with their clothing, but have also recently opened up a pop-store in the fashionable Camden. The store was “great! What I would change about it is giving ourselves more to promote and tell people, as well as choosing a livelier area of Camden for our location.”

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With their first full collection well underway, their attention has already turned to the next, telling us that the Fall Collection is “going to be all about detail and fabric.” Wreck London is looking to get stocked in a few stores around London and expand the brand over the coming months.

Words by Jordan Bunker

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