
Brand Watch: Dee Rosa

By January 25, 2014Fashion News

This week PAUSE takes a look into the independent artistic street wear brand, Dee Rosa.


Dee Rosa isn’t just any type of clothing brand, it’s a brand that focuses on making visual creative patterns through their clothing with various types of geometry shapes, designs and prints to form simplistic and wearable items. Dee Rosa was established by the Founder & Creative Director Juliet Nwekenta in 2011, her aim was to take a fresh approach into the street wear scene by introducing cultural patterns that celebrate her culture background. Inspired by everyday surrounding,  Juliet’s designs is a reflection of different cultures, particularly her Nigerian Heritage. While pattern is the visual identity of Dee Rosa, the soul of the brand is a strong belief in self-expression and individualism.



We at PAUSE love the ‘Lines Lines T-Shirt’ below, simplistic way of expressing art:


Check out the online store here:

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