
LCM: Burberry Prorsum Autumn/Winter 2015 Collection

Christopher Bailey steals the show.


Burburry Prorsum menswear revealed their Autumn/Winter 2015 collection, featuring classic tailoring with fringed ponchos & scarfs, vibrant outerwear, natural hues and the new runway bags – carryall bags. See the full looks below:

MARC0013 MARC0057 MARC0041 MARC0027
MARC0071 MARC0111 MARC0095 MARC0083
MARC0129 MARC0177 MARC0159 MARC0147
MARC0187 MARC0237 MARC0221 MARC0205
MARC0259 MARC0325 MARC0307 MARC0283
MARC0347 MARC0401 MARC0383 MARC0367
MARC0429 MARC0485 MARC0467 MARC0453
MARC0507 MARC0557 MARC0539 MARC0525
MARC0577 MARC0637 MARC0623 MARC0597
MARC0661 MARC0721 MARC0703 MARC0687
MARC0741 MARC0801 MARC0783 MARC0765
MARC0819 (1) MARC0873 MARC0855 MARC0839

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