
LCM: Nasir Mazhar Autumn/Winter 2016 Collection

Brazilian designer Paula Gerbase’s 1205 showcases first collection at LCM.


For the first time ever, Paula Gerbase showcased 1205’s latest assemblage at LCM this season. Deciding to present at the Royal Institute of British Architecture, the London based label’s Autumn/Winter 2016 lineup was a perfect example of a show-space in harmony with the aesthetic of the collection.

In a muted selection of grey, charcoal, black and camel; clean silhouettes, sharp tailoring and even a couple of jumpsuits all made the first 1205 collection at LCM a desirable, wearable and staple – heavy selection. Certainly one to watch.

Take a look at the full collection below.

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Nasir Mazhar, once again, finds inspiration in all-black-everything.


One of this season’s most anticipated collections, the Nazir Mazhar show venue quickly reached capacity with several standing attendees being turned away at the door.

This Season, Nasir presented us with a selection of bombers, tracksuits, jumpsuits, overcoats and pieces that brought attention to male erogenous zones in a subtle, yet alluring way.

Presenting a collection void of colour comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses, while some may slate a lack of colour as the safer or perhaps more unimaginative option; personally, I would suggest it takes greater creativity and technical skill to complete a lineup while only depending on silhouette, texture and cut. Seeing each outfit as an entirely separate project to the next is not an approach taken by many design teams, however, when working with a single colour for an entire collection – you can see the thought process behind such procedure.

For Nasir, this bet paid off with a strong collection that will undoubtedly see him return next year with another highly anticipated show.

Take a look at the full collection below:

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