
PAUSE Meets French Photographer Marc-Henri Ngandu

PAUSE Meets French Photographer Marc-Henri Ngandu


Photographer: Montoki Nakatani @ Croco & Co’ // @Motokimokito
Stylist: Marc-Henri Ngandu // @lcroco_alpha

Brands: Misbhv, Tommy Hilfiger, Umbro, Champion, Axel Arigato, Limtaeng Studio

Name, age, and location?
I’m Marc-Henri Ngandu, 21-years-old, From the second biggest city in France, Lyon.

What do you creatively do?
I’m a photographer for 2 years now. With my two little brothers we created a platform named  Croco & co’ which includes photographer, models, videographers, make-up artists and all oriented art or fashion.

How would you describe your style of photography?
I think my style of photography is simple and instant.

What do you aim to portray in your shots? 
Everything depends on the shoot.  Often it’s for show an attitude, a look. I start with something very natural because I like to show how it can have lot of cool faces.

What are the challenges you face being a creative from France, Lyon?
For me, the biggest challenges here is primarily to convey to people that the French creativity not only comes from Paris. I work on a cool concept store in Lyon, Kapadokya, but most people are shocked by a shop like this in Lyon, It’s funny. It’s a part of my fight. We are cool, we are not from Paris! Ahahaha, this is my challenge.

marc-henri marc-henri3 marc-henri2How do you inject your French style into your photography work?
Actually, I don’t know. I don’t think about it. I make my pictures according to my feeling, to me. Whether people know I’m French or not, it don’t matter to me at first. I want them to recognise my job first and if they will soon know that I am French.Describe your personal style in one word?
Me. Ahaha it’s simple for an answer. But I really want to be me at first, not to be different from other people. If I’m me I’m necessarily different from others although one can find similarities in the look. Too many people say they are different from others but don’t know who they are themselves. Sometime it’s funny to see how people dress because it’s them or just to show off.Name some of your favourite brands at the moment?
At Kapadokya store in Lyon, we take brands that I’m falling in love with, like OAMC, the technique, the message. I really like Ader Error too because you feel like a child when you wear it. And a brand from my friend from Valence (Commune in France) named Sobec. But at first I love clothes, I take what I like from any brand, the fashion world moves too fast to have one real favorite brand.

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Where can we find your work online?

We can Find my work on Instagram on my personal account @lcroco_alpha or my professional account @crocoandco. Also my Tumblr where you find my work plus from other photographers through Croco & co Crew!

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