
You Can Pre-Order Fear of God’s Backless 101 Sneaker Now

By September 16, 2018Fashion News, Sneakers

Give your heels a break.

Jerry Lorenzo took it upon himself to let fans know that his label’s backless 101 sneaker is available for pre-order right now. Specifically, Lorenzo uploaded an image of Fear of God’s recent sneaker release to his personal Instagram while letting sneakerheads know that you can cop it from his label’s online store.

As for what to expect with the sneaker, the shoe sports a sleek black aesthetic that notably sees the heel area missing. Furthermore, the stitching of the canvas pair is adorned in a contrasting colour that finishes off the overall effect of the $450 sneakers. Take a look at his Instagram upload below, if you like what you see then click the following button to pre-order them.

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#preorder the #backless101 tomorrow @fearofgod .com

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