
C2H4® Debut Case#R006 “Winter Voyage” Collection

By August 16, 2022Fashion News

Latest @ C2H4®.

Rolling out their latest selection of promotional shots, Los Angeles C2H4® recently debuted their Case#R006 “Winter Voyage” campaign for your perusasl.

Continuing their narrative approach, the press release elabourates:

“C2H4® IDRC(Interstellar Development Research Council)’s space station is traveling thru space, while council members have been invited for the snow season that enjoying the sight of rhythm of the seasons.
The Winter Voyage is ready to depart, members are heading to the Space Ski Resort. Time-freezing views are the signature features along with the passing of snow-silent mountains and icy rivers. Members also receive the invitations of the ski festival, so they are heading to the Space Ski Resort, ready to conquer the nature.
Galloping in the Space Ski Resort in elegant suits, members are enjoying the winter while competing with each other in speed racing. They are feeling the nature and glory, while the traces in the snow being the proof of their arrival.”

Check out the C2H4® Case#R006 “Winter Voyage” campaign below and shop the pieces as they arrive via the brand’s website.

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