
A guy’s guide to city style

By October 19, 2017Fashion News

Whether you’re planning a trip to roam the streets of Paris or sample the goods at every vodka bar in Krakow, there’s definitely a certain art to nailing city style. With this in mind, read on to discover the ‘guy’s guide’ to dressing for a city break and looking good wherever you’re visiting this year.

Day to night dressing

Sometimes, you just don’t want to waste time heading back to the hotel to change and so you need an outfit that’s fine for exploring all the touristy bits but that will also get you past the bouncers later – when the pub crawl you’re on turns into a 5am finish at the nearest club. So what’s the best outfit for such a situation? Here’s a quick packing checklist:


  • Dark jeans – these guys go with anything and everything and can be easily dressed up or down.
  • Plain t-shirt – a snug fitting, plain t-shirt in white or black is a style you can’t go wrong with. V-necks are the most flattering on all body types.
  • Leather fashion trainers – comfy but still relatively smart looking, leather fashion trainers can be worn day and night.
  • Harrington jacket – it’s safe to say that most city destinations in Europe, even in the summer, aren’t going to be the hottest of spots once night falls (especially Paris and Berlin) so you’ll need a lightweight but good looking jacket for the evening. Superdry offers a huge range in this style, so check them out before you go.

Bar crawling

Time to check out the nightlife on your city break? Then you need an outfit that’s going to keep you cool on the dance floor but still look smart when you’re leaning against the bar. Here’s what to pop in the case if you have this activity on your itinerary:


  • Chino shorts – get those calves out and stay cool in the line for a refill.
  • Polo shirt – a polo shirt is smart enough for a night out but comfy enough to avoid feeling grim, when you’re being pressed against from all sides in a crowded bar.
  • Boat shoes – oh yes, those classic boat shoes work so well with chinos. Just be sure to wear hidden socks to avoid the Grandad look.

Touristy trips

You can’t beat a visit to a well known tourist destination, whether that’s clinging to your mates in the catacombs in Paris or checking out the wartime checkpoints in Berlin. We don’t want to sound like your Mum, but you need to be comfy for all that walking so here’s what to include in your packing list:


  • Fashion trainers – a good pair of fashion trainers should see you through a day of walking, throw in some padded insoles if you’re feeling fancy.
  • Chino trousers – comfy enough to wear all day but also smart enough to be respectful if you end up paying a visit to any religious or heritage sites.
  • Short sleeved shirt – these are a blessing if you’re going to get warm, with a cool material and the opportunity to wear unbuttoned with a plain t-shirt underneath and you’ll be sorted for a day trip.
  • Baseball cap – no burnt noses here, keep your face protected and look good with a hat to wear throughout the day.


Ready to go? Pack these bits for your trip and look good wherever you end up.

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